18: Hit me baby one more time

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"Lucian, have you seen Buck?" Sevor asked me. I shook my head at him which made the man sigh with those furrowed eyebrows.

"I have not seen him," I 'honestly' stated.

I wonder where Buck was? It was good that no one can find him. That would mean that Peaches will have a hard time looking for him.

"I can't find him!" Rui panicked. "Where is he? What if he is the one who got lost now?" It was unfortunate that Rui replaced Buck. Both children were close to each other but I favor Buck more than Rui.

"I wonder where he could be?" I said while chewing on a carrot. I stood up from where I sat and continued to grow huge glowing blue flowers around the cabin. Some of the flowers were still shut and some had already bloomed. Fenris was chasing a big butterfly that was lurking around the flowers; probably looking for a blooming one. The sky was darkening and Slade was cooking dinner. Buck disappeared after lunch and everyone had started to look for him.

The werewolves, even Fenris, couldn't track his scent. Fenris had already given up searching and just ran around. Sevor was bothered to the core as he kept on pacing back and forth with a stern face.

"Has anyone seen Buck yet?!" He shouted. A series of "No oniisan" answered him back.

Rui pulled his hair in frustration. He stomped angrily and then pointed at me. "This is your fault! Because of you, we had to leave our cave and Buck went missing! Ancients are such a pain!"

I patted Rui's head in which he slapped away. "You have a bright future ahead of you but there is a problem. The trouble is: you walk backwards therefore your bright future shines upon your bum. Please stop nourishing your ass behavior."

"Lucian!" Sevor scolded. "He is a child!"

"That is true. But he is growing into something undesirable for me."

Rui bared his teeth at me. "And who thinks you're wanted?!"

Slade suddenly cleared his throat and Sevor became silent and scratched his nape. Fenris was licking my hand and I stared blankly at him. I opened my arms at Rui in invitation. "Come Rui. Since we are both undesirable, let us start desiring for each other since we are in the same page."

Fenris howled in horror and the twins gasped. Was there something wrong about what I've said? I was trying to be a mature adult. If I was able to tame Rui, that would be a great achievement for me and Lucius might even be proud.

Darkness completely consumed the sky and the children slept in exhaustion.

"Let's get some sleep Lucian, I know you're probably tired," Caleb stated and pulled me against him by my waist. I felt my arm be snatched by someone else which made Caleb pull me in place.

"Who says he's sleeping with you? I'll be the one warming Lucian's side for tonight!" Slade snarled.

"Lucian is my mate. Get your own!"

"He is also my mate so therefore I'll be taking him!"

"You won't be taking anyone Teenie Weenie Peenie!" Caleb spat.

Slade roared with anger. "What did you say you one inch wonder?! You think your mbolo is big?" He challenged and began to take off his pants again.

"Oh so we gonna do this again huh? You still can't accept defeat?"

Sevor breathed in air through clenched teeth and massaged the bridge of his nose. "How many times must you compare?"

"Shut up baby carrot!" Slade and Caleb snapped at Sevor.

C L (First Version-Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora