51: Resurrection

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"Don't kill my oniisan."

Never in my whole life have I imagined of reaching this point. I have been idling by the bottom of the mountain for so long until a man that I was forced to forget reached his hand down to me and acted as my chaperone through this big world labyrinth. The rage of emotions that broke down the shut door of my heart was so strong that it was almost as if I was being swept away by the intensity of sentimentality.

The winds lamented their grief; the plants withered in their obvious tormented bodies and the sun cornered by the ashen clouds was visibly being denied of its right to share its radiance down on us.

I stared hard at my companions and they glanced back at me with the same strong resolute. They were the reason why I have reached this far. Each of them gave their own colors and painted my life with varieties of emotions in which I lacked. They were my wings. They were part of me. They were my fragments.

"I ask all of you...Please lend me your strength..." I whispered to thousands of souls within me. Maybe this was my purpose. This was the payment I had to give for the one thousand ancients that were sacrificed for my sake. I will not let their oblation be wasted.

"You can count on us nephew."

Slade scoffed. "I don't give a damn about any of you but there is one thing I can say: Don't fucking die."

All of us smiled at him. "If one can fuck death, that will be you," Samael retorted and then spun his trusty scythe in his hand.

"Don't give him any ideas. Knowing Slade, he will do anything to raise his mbolo's reputation," Caleb snickered. Caleb dodged the flying kick that was meant for him and Samael jumped backwards to avoid the kick to his shin.

"This is no time for jokes but...I agree," Raphael added with a red face as if he was embarassed to play along.

Slade gritted his teeth. "You know what? You can die for all I care!" Oh but we do know that you care.

Sevor placed his hand on top of Slade's shoulder as if to restrain him. "Calm down. This is no time to get your mbolo ahead of yourself." A typical Sevor. He can crack humor with a straight and responsible face. A smile played on my lips as I watch them bicker.

I regret nothing. "They are worth it..." I whispered to myself.

The twins identically stretched their necks left to right. Bulks and spikes began to protrude out of their arms and their skin slowly hardened and darkened. The catastrophes drew closer and Lucius was below the floating Queen as if he was another one of her underlings. The upper part of the twins' head grew one sharp and long spike and more of those bony protrusions trace down their spines from tallest to shortest until they reach the tip of their tails. The spikes that were on their arm was shaped into a jagged blade. Their knees bent naturally with their feet enlarging. They were shaped like the feet of their larger dragon forms. The twins' faces elongated with razor-edged teeth lining their gums. Their noses flattened down into holes. Wings broke through their back and they growled in unison.

I clenched my fists and let my energy flow through them. I felt Caleb embrace me from behind and his hug tightened around me.

"Everyone...be sure that you'll be able to join me for dinner," I told them. I rested the side of my head against Caleb's chest. There was nothing far more extravagant than having to eat Slade's special vegetable dishes. All of them possessed different pigments therefore their luminescence was incomparable.

I let the men leave me one by one. We had the same resolve. We had the same ideals. We fight for the same cause. We battle for the sake of one another.

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