41: Loyal Pegasus

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Bidding farewell was always somewhat difficult to do. You either desire to not leave at all or just bring those who you will leave with you in order to not part with them anymore.

In this scenario of ours, the cries of the children were convincing me to just stay with them and let the end of the world come while sipping some tea. I had one dwarf boy in my arm; a werewolf hanging behind me by my neck; four kids gripping my legs and an elven child grasping my other  hand. Caleb and the twins weren't doing any good either and Samael was the only one who was safe from the pleading hugs.

It may be because they were still frightened by the reaper's boldness.

Raphael was conversing with the Phoenix. It was evident that she was enthralled by him since yesterday's strange events. The others were much confused by that but Raphael pleaded me to not say a word.

"Don't go oniisan! We'll be good!" The dwarf boy wailed and clutched my shirt.

"Now remember, don't overcook the garlic. Hunt the younger preys since their meat is much softer," Slade advised the teenagers. I cannot find the pleasure in eating corpses of weaker animals.

I looked at the big teary eyes of the dwarf and pressed my lips against his forehead. "Oniisan will be back soon," I assured. I gently placed him down and my lowered body was quickly swarmed by little hands. I wiped the tears of a little fairy girl and petted the head of the werewolf who was begging me to bring him with us.

"Your tears make my heart weep. Oniisan would like to see you all smiling before I leave. Won't you do that for me?" I questioned calmly with a small smile. The little kids stared at each other and then quickly wiped their puffy eyes. One by one they presented me with a shaky smile. Their smiles were adorable even though some of them had a missing tooth.

"There you go..."I chuckled softly from how obedient they were. "Now give me your sweetest kisses to give me good luck," I requested.

The children formed a short line and each of them gave me the wettest smooch that I have ever received from a cheek kiss. With each child that faced me, I gave out a yellow flower and a fruit that immediately brought a joyous grin on their young faces.

Samael got in line as well  which made me stare at him in query. "I wanna give you a cheek kiss too," he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But my dick requests it to be your bottom cheeks."

I swayed my head at his perverseness. I jerked my index finger at him and he kneeled in front of me with one leg. I placed a kiss on his cheek and then stood up myself. "That is all that you will get from me today." My butt was nowhere near fine in this brilliant morning caused by Raphael's inexperienced ling and Slade's professional one

Samael smirked at me. "This ain't close to being an appetizer...but I'll take anything from you since I'm an avaricious asshole."

How honest of him. He really was my student.

"Have I spoiled you a little too much?" I questioned him with an amused smile. It was fortunate that the children were enjoying their fruits and were not minding our adult conversation as of now.

The red haired man snickered. He scooped my lower back with his hand and pushed me against his hard form. "Spoiling isn't the word...It's more of peeling the resistant and shy skin to show the bolder color. Happy with what I have become?" He asked me with a playful and teasing expression.

I stared blankly at him and then pinched his stubbled cheeks. Even his growing mustache complemented his roguish characteristics. "Yes, I am proud of my art."

Samael hummed in satisfaction of my reply. "Good. Because I blame all of my happiness to you,"he cooed. "Face the consequences because they get worse everyday. Harvest the fruits of what you planted because I love you everyday for it," he murmured closely to my face.

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