22: Smile for me

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"Where do you think you're going?!" I heard Snotty shout in rage after I had offered Samael my services of sucking his ling.

How unfortunate.

If only this unworthy living creature didn't exist then I could have had my sweet fruit in my mouth's possession.

When Snotty saw who my companion was, he paled and took a step back. Samael only stared at him blankly with no interest on the snot on the soil before him. Snotty rushed inside in panic and brought out a bow. He released an arrow towards Samael. The arrow pierced through the blanket of air creating an airy high pitch sound and the reaper caught it without even flinching before it hit his eye.

"Guards!" The Prince shouted when he discovered that his arrows were futile.

I noticed the gathering soldiers around us after the Prince's call for help. It would seem that no one would recognize Samael's intrusion if Snotty didn't cry for help.

Samael wasn't small. He wasn't pale nor was he invisible. It would not be hard to recognize such man. Did the soldiers purposely let Samael stand before their great Prince's tent in broad daylight even with a dangerously looking weapon in hand? Did they not appreciate the existence of their leader?

This gave me hope for the future of elves. To appreciate a being who would force his ling to any unwilling hole he would find was like appreciating a vegan forcing a carrot in the mouth of  a carnivorous man.

Yes, I have discovered how evil it was to force Caleb to eat vegetables.

"You think you can escape? I don't know what magic you have done but a dream won't stop me from getting what I want!" The man growled.

"You are right, an illusion won't stop you from getting what you want. It would be better if Samael did cut your hand off. It is very upsetting that you are still in one piece. Would you like to try being mutilated for once? It will reduce your risk of executing something stupid," I deadpanned.

"Silence!" He snapped and raised his index finger to point at us. I could see the way his hand trembled in agitation.  "I will no longer restrain you. The likes of you who cannot be tamed is not worthy of living!"

I cannot tolerate the amount of  hypocrisy and cockiness flowing inside his dimwitted and hopeless mind. It was like all sense and sanity abandoned him and left all the stupidity to rule inside.

"Likewise, the likes of you do not have the right to exist neither below nor above the ground."

A growl erupted from the skies above which caught all of our attention. We saw a spiky and black colored dragon circling the air above us as it descended in its fast rotation.

"Dra-dragon!" The men stuttered out and scrambled away. Snotty stood paralyzed on his stand which could be a fine place for him to be buried under.

It was a fine place but the person who will be buried under it was not. I will feel bad for wasting space.

I could hear the scattered verbalizations of fear and panic. The screams rose in tone and the dragon expelled a blazing fireball in one of the tents which caused it to be blown into splinters and left its destructing discharge to grow and spread. The beast growled, boasting its sharp and menacing teeth that could probably make Wye Fye get up from her grave and run for her already gone life and make Snotty wish to donate his life to Wye Fye so that he would be removed from this situation. 

The dragon landed behind us, causing a mild earthquake and Sevor got off from its back and jogged towards us.

"Lucian! Are you alright?" He asked in worry.

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