52: Crisis

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I had never been in the outside world for as long as a blue moon. Seeing that there were so many dangers lurking everywhere, I worried for the safety of the one person who had severed the chains that were restraining my freedom. Death, as I know it, was inevitable. Sometimes, there were things that will slip out of our control. I always had this 'What ifs" when I had no idea of what had become of Lucius.

What if Argo suddenly had tooshie cramps while flying and because of that they both descended rapidly and had their limbs scattered from the collision?

What if he was chased by enraged hens and died in a brutal death by being pecked to death?

What if a branch broke while he was climbing a tree and he unfortunately landed on his balls and forgot to breathe thus ending his life in the process?

They were all unfortunate endings and as these men laughed out loud by such occurrence, I couldn't help but to crack a smile as well. Some could have been extremely angry from knowing that and a few might even consider the way he died as ridiculous but things do happen and Lucius was a living proof of it.

After searching through Lucius' memories and Lucius finding out of those memories, the slight amnesia that my oniisan had was cured. He said that he was searching for me after defeating the catastrophe that separated us. He had stayed in the Ogre village where we had met Argo. He always had meat in his diet ever since he started his travels. He sometimes smoked as well in which I have no idea of what it meant. Was he grilling himself to perform this action of "smoke"? I overheard Slade talking about smoked salmon.

"This is why we must always stay as a vegetarian oniisan," I scolded him lightly through the convulsive laughter that they were having. Lucius did not seem to be pleased by that but as their infecting laughter plucked his dignity away, he had no other choice but to join in such boisterous guffaw.

"I should watch my diet more now. I wouldn't want to waste the second life given to me..."

Samael snickered. "Well you're lucky that that pegasus electrocuted you when it saw you with another pegasus."

I flicked oniisan's forehead and squinted my eyes at him. "Shame on you for cheating on Argo oniisan. You should be ashamed of yourself."

Lucius rubbed his forehead and then rose from the trunk we were both sitting on. He rubbed his face on Argo's and gave us a sheepish smile. "Argo is irreplaceable. I can't believe I looked at another pegasus..."

"And you rode that pegasus too, poor Argo!" Caleb dramatized and faked a sob.

Raphael whacked Caleb's head with his hand making Caleb scramble towards me while whining childishly. Raphael and Caleb were sitting with each other before the angel bullied Caleb; the twins were across us and I was sandwiched between Lucius and Samael. We all had the pyram blazing in front of us.

"You sound as if Lucius mated with that pegasus," Raphael pointed out eliciting grunts from all of the people here except for me.

"That is just repulsive! What is going on with your head?" Sevor queried.

Raphael's face reddened. "Aren't you all thinking the same?"

Slade scoffed. "No! We aren't as perverse as you!" When it came to objecting an idea, why do I feel like he wasn't telling the truth?

"No ba-baka!" Samael and Caleb teased in unison. "It's not like that baka!" Their hands were closed in a fist and were huddled together under their chins as they waved their bodies from left to right to imitate a person being embarassed.

Slade rose up angrily with a red face. "Verpiss dich! (Piss off!)"

That night, no one bothered to be sad. We did all we could. We had a campfire made after travelling a little bit farther from the origin of the world's demise. Lucius created a barrier so that the rotting energy wouldn't  reach our little bubble while we ate and rested. At this moment, we stood on the last patch of life in the world. I worried for the whole population of living things experiencing this. What was worrying me further was the total pitch black night. If it weren't for the glowing creatures that passed by the skies and land, one would panic or even think that he was buried alive.

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