Chapter 6

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Word Count: 1033 

It was finally the day of the NORCECA Championship, and I hurt all over from practice. But, I knew I would pull through. My team, dressed in white uniforms, strolled over to go check in, where I went to go practice my nervous ritual of throwing up before the game. After hurling, I washed my hands and rushed over to my team who was approaching the court, where we were to play Costa Rica. I took a big breath in, preparing to destroy them.

The game went well. Surprisingly, the whole team was in sync with each other. I got 5 service aces total, so I got multiple group hugs that game. Most of our points came from blocks so I didn't get as many spikes in as I had hoped. We still won 3-0, though, which meant we get to play again tomorrow. I headed out of the gymnasium, hearing my phone go off, and answering it, only to hear my whole family shout on the phone "GOOD GAME!" I laughed as I chatted to my brothers one at a time.

The next day, we absolutely destroyed Guatemala, another 3-0 game. I got in 11 spikes, 8 with my left hand. I know I'm not the best on my team, but I held my own. I then expected my routine call from my family. Surprisingly, it saddened me a bit that none of my new friends were supporting me.

And again, the next day we won, against the host team, no less. Mexico almost got us in the last set, but I was sitting out at the time because I rolled my ankle. But hey, at least we made it to the semifinals. We had a chance of winning, and moving on to another championship next year! I was still pretty bummed about having to sit out, but my teammates and I treated ourselves to a spa that night, relaxing my tight and sore body.

Our rest day went quickly, and it was time for the semifinals. We were playing Puerto Rico. My ankle was better, but I was still frustrated because my game was off. We were a bit shaken up and sore that game, but luckily we still won. I got 6 service aces and a score of 3-1. I screamed on the phone to my family afterwards. I was making it to the finals again! My hard work of the past 14 years paying off!

I walked into the bathroom, queasy, before spilling my large breakfast out into the toilet. I was used to it though, this happened before every game. This time, at least our libero held my hair up. We got into a huddle, chanting with each other before the final against the Dominican Republic began. It was a tough game, it got awfully close multiple times. I did incredible that game, though. I was able to get the most spikes in of my team since they weren't prepared for me using my right and left hands. We were lucky enough to win the final, with a 3-1 score. We had won! We were the champions of the 2012 NORCECA Championship!

"I'm so goddamn proud of you!" My dad screamed into the phone. I cheered, twirling around even if he couldn't see me. "We are the champions, my friends!" I sang, giggling when I got smiles from my teammates. I did a little dance as my dad chanted on the phone. "Alright Dad, got to go. I'm going to sleep my ass off before the flight tomorrow." Dad hummed and hung up. I was so proud of myself for winning, but I was still a little sad that none of the guys paid attention. Don't be selfish, I thought to myself, Remember Abby they're playing tournaments of their own. I sighed, walking over to my hotel bed and crashing. I suddenly felt a vibration on my bed, I had received a text message. Surprisingly enough, it was from Akaashi. Congratulations, it read. I beamed, this seemed out of his character so I was so happy at that small gesture. Thank you!!!!!! I'm really grateful you watched. I didn't really have any fans from Japan during my games :D. Are you and Bokuto doing okay? I responded. He sent a thumbs up emoji right before I passed out from exhaustion.


I was finally back in Japan, putting away my stuff in my Miyagi apartment. I sat at my desk, unsure of what to do, when I received a Facetime from an unknown number in Tokyo. I answered the call, only to see Kuroo's rooster hair. "Hey Abby!" he started. I waved. He zoomed out his phone camera to show that he was with Kenma, Lev, Bokuto, and Akaashi, and they all cheered, "Congratulations!" Although with Kenma it was somewhat unwillingly. Tears welled up in my eyes and I began to cry, "Thank you!" I wailed. They laughed at my reaction and we got caught up with each other, talking about each other's tournaments.

I was back to school, now. I was way too tired again so I went over to Ukai's store for another coffee. He saw my disheveled self and grinned. "There's the champion!" The third years, Kageyama, and Hinata, peeked their heads out from the shelves, confused, watching Ukai and I do a little dance together. Sugawara came up to pat my back and Daichi shook my hand, meanwhile Kageyama and Hinata had no idea what was going on, and we laughed at them. I purchased my coffee and continued walking to school, chatting with Asahi on the way. I arrived at school, and a large pile of papers were immediately piled on my desk. Make-up work, great. I almost cried at the sight in front of me. There goes all my free time for the next month.

For September, I mostly had to cram in work, but at least I had my tour of Shiratorizawa scheduled for today. I deserved a little reward after all the work I'd been doing. The stiff woman walked me around the impressive school, and I stood in awe at the horses and all their extracurriculars. I liked this school, a lot.

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