Chapter 19

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Word Count: 1072

I sat down on my hotel room chair, pulling out a random magazine and flipping through its pages. Komori and I just finished hanging out, so I was relaxing. He told me I was welcome to go watch him practice until I went home, so that settled my schedule for the next few days mostly. I stared at the beautiful women on the magazine in front of me. Oh how I admired models. They looked so powerful there, standing up straight with their unbothered expressions. Would I like to be a model? I asked myself. I shook my head at the blasphemous thought. I was just an average girl, with regular features. My blonde hair, blue eyes, clear skin, and average height didn't stand out much among other girls, so that idea was far too unrealistic. I sighed, my thoughts depressing myself.

I decided to open up my laptop and watch some Women's volleyball games. I scrolled through some old Olympic games, the time quickly passing by. I idolized so many national teams, specifically Brazil and China. They just kicked ass all the time! I was jealous at how fun their games looked. Maybe one day I'll be able to play on their level...Not without tons of practice, though! I walked over to my window, opening up the curtain. What the fuck, there's no way it was dark already! I sighed, closing the curtain again and hopping over to my bed on one foot. I couldn't bother myself to eat tonight. I laid my head against the pillow and got some worthwhile shut-eye.


I tossed and turned in my sleep, tears pouring out of my eyes at the dream I was having.

I stood in front of Mom, gently crying. "Please Mom," I whimpered, "It's too much! I'm sorry I forgot to do it, I'll have it done in an hour! I promise!" A hand whizzed past my cheek, the flesh stinging at the sensation. "What did I tell you, Abby? To have all the chores done by 5 while Mommy went out! You should've gotten it done." Mom stared menacingly as my 9 year-old self cowered back, unsure of what to do. "Why are you standing there, baby? You have your brothers to go look after." I bawled as I walked up the stairs, approaching the normal screaming of my torturous brothers.

I gasped, sitting up quickly. I panted at the memory, almost feeling the slap on my cheek again. A throbbing made its way down to my foot, and I winced in pain. I ripped my phone out, squinting at the rising sun shining directly into my eyes. I scrolled down the contacts in a hurry, clicking the name I thought was the one I was looking for.

"Abby? Why are you calling so early?" A deep voice mumbled. My eyes widened.

"Shit! This isn't Dad! Sorry, I clicked the wrong number. Who is this?"

"You were the one to call me, why don't you know? It's Sakusa." I gulped.

"Oops. Sorry to wake you, Sakusa."

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Whatever." My eyes flashed and I had to stop him from hanging up.

"Wait! Actually, Sakusa. I had a question."

"What is it?"

"Where's the nearest pharmacy? I heard silence on the other end for a minute before his morning voice spoke up.

"I think there's one two blocks west of your hotel. Wh-"

"Great! Thanks, Sakusa, I owe you one. Sorry for the call, again." I hung up before he could respond, getting up to go get dressed. I threw on sweats and a hoodie and a singular running shoe on my left foot, hobbling out of the apartment with my crutches. I looked at my phone compass, heading to my right, west. I speed-crutched all the way down the long road, finally reaching the pharmacy. I strolled through the aisles, finally spotting the pain reliever I was looking for, ringing up my singular item and rushing back home.

I downed the meds as the pain in my foot increased. I must've thrashed around too much during my nightmare. I gagged at the taste of the two pills. Looking at my phone, it dawned on me it was only 6:30 AM. Sorry Sakusa, I thought to myself. I could always apologize to him again, but I felt like that would annoy him, so I would just leave it be. Maybe a gift would help? A lightbulb popped off in my head. What if I got Sakusa and Komori snacks after practice? I nodded to myself, it would be a gift of appreciation for being so kind to me.

After icing my foot for a bit, I walked out of the apartment again, towards the market to find snacks. Then it dawned on me...I had absolutely no idea what they liked. As I scrolled through shelves and counters of fresh and not-so fresh food, I thought quickly. Komori's a sweet guy...he must like sweet things, right? But, I don't want to get him unhealthy sugar after practice. What about...fruit! I walked to the produce aisle, spotting some farmer's stands. Only the best for my new friends! I looked through their array of colorful fruit first, my eyes landing on a green fruit. Kiwi! I don't know why that sounds like it'd be something he'd like, it just does (right?!). I picked up one of the small containers of chopped kiwi, handing it to the farmer to ring up. 

Just as the farmer handed me back my change, something nearby burned my nostrils, almost making my eyes water. I grabbed my change and walked over out of curiosity. It was a farmer's stand, and a big container of some odd liquid and circular vegetables or fruits of some kind. It's stench lingered in my nose, it was so acidic! It was almost like Clorox! Wait...that's totally a Sakusa thing, I deadpanned, getting money out of my wallet.

I walked out of the market, smirking pridefully at how accurately I felt I got their foods right. I arrived back at the hotel and put the goodies in the fridge, since I don't want them to spoil. Laying back on the bed and propping my foot up, I patted myself on the shoulder at my handiwork. Was there nothing I couldn't do? I snickered to myself and dozed off, since the boys' practice didn't start or end for another few hours.

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