Chapter 22

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Word Count: 721 

It was my last day in Tokyo. Despite only being here for a week, I was bummed that I had to go back. I'd miss all my new friends. Konoha, Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo, Yaku, Lev, Kenma, Komori, and Kiyoomi. Who knows the next time I'd see them again? Of course I was really considering transferring, but that'd take at least a few months to fully register.

I'd been doing make-up homework all day before I was to go back to Itachiyama, so I had a headache by the time I reached their school. I was a bit stupid. Approaching their gates, I admired the architecture one last time before I had to leave.

The boys were practicing as always, but Kiyoomi seemed off. He was spiking fine, it just wasn't as good as it usually was. Komori was still as awesome as he usually was, though. The end-of-practice whistle sounded and I went to approach the boys.

"Hey boys," I greeted.

"Oh, hey Abby!" Komori responded as he and Kiyoomi stood up and walked by my side. I tried to meet their pace but crutching hurt my armpits, so I slowed down behind them. They stopped walking when they noticed and waited for me to catch up.

"Hey, Kiyoomi," I started, huffing as I almost ran over to them. Komori's eyes widened at that and turned over to Sakusa, wiggling his eyebrows. Kiyoomi glared at him.

"Is something wrong? You seemed off in practice." I looked over his body, checking for injuries.

"My ankle felt off today. I-"

"-It's all in his head. This happens to Sakusa a lot, but at least it's better safe than sorry." Komori cut off. Sakusa wiggled his nose under the mask, probably a little annoyed. I giggled and continued walking to the exit with them as Komori went on about their day and some gossip from lunch. We reached the gate after a few minutes. I turned towards the boys when we left the school, bowing over.

"Thank you for being my friends! I'm going to miss you guys!" My emotions caught up with me and I started to sniffle, still bowed. I felt a hand tap my back comfortingly. Looking up, it was Komori, smiling straight down at me.

"Calm down Abby! We'll see each other again. Don't worry though, we'll miss you too." I dropped my crutches, squeezing Komori into a tight hug as I softly cried into his shirt. He patted my back again. "Now now, come on Abby!" He chuckled. I let go of him, picking up my crutches and preparing to leave. I wiped my eyes on my sleeve, and noticed a hand in front of my eyes holding a piece of fabric.

"Use this," Kiyoomi commanded. He was handing me a blue handkerchief. I smiled at his random act of kindness, taking the cloth in my hand and holding it up to my face. I dried my tears and smiled again, slowly turning away from the cousins.

"We'll meet again soon, boys. I promise you!" Komori grinned at me and we went our separate ways, my destination being the train station. It was a 15 minute walk, nothing unbearable. It was a pain in my ass to get down the stairs, though. I sat down at a bench, waiting for my train to arrive, listening out for any verbal announcements because I couldn't really read any of the electric signs.

"Hey Abby!" a voice called. I turned around to see Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, Yaku, Lev, and sulky Kenma waving at me.

"Oh! Hi guys!" I smiled, they really warmed my heart with their kindness. Bokuto ran over to me and lifted me high up into the air, Akaashi trying to command him to put me down. The others reached us, Kenma looking down at his phone, Kuroo patting my shoulder, Lev helping Bokuto lift me up, and Yaku kicking Lev. I laughed as we caused a commotion in the subway. Bokuto finally put me down and I beamed at the boys, giving each individual a hug.

"I'll see you guys soon! Promise!" Kuroo smiled at me, giving me one last high five before I boarded the train. I looked at my friends through the glass window before we blasted off, going back home to Miyagi.

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