Chapter 26

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Word Count: 683

We had finally reached the third set of the Aoba Johsai Match. No way in hell I'm narrating the whole game. Author is tired. My neck had started to ache at how many times I had to whip it around as the ball was slammed in a different direction. Is this a dump? I thought to myself, No, Tooru is going for Iwaizumi. As Iwa spiked the ball, I sighed in pride. Over my months of only watching volleyball rather than playing, I had grown really good at reading the opposing team. Maybe something I can use when I get back to volleyball... I still need to work on my right hand spiking and my receives though.

The ball went back and forth where the opposite teams scored point after point, the scores piling up. I could tell Oikawa was really losing his cool. On the other hand, it was so obvious to see Hinata's disgusting hunger and Kageyama's fire from miles away. I knew who would win this battle. The crows would soar once more, but that also meant Oikawa would be defeated by the prodigy in one of the most important games of his life. It saddened me, but that's life. The best team wins, and I'm sorry Oikawa, but that's not Aoba Johsai.

I nodded to myself as Hinata spiked the ball straight into Oikawa's arm, only for it to fly out afterwards. Karasuno had won. My prediction was correct. Observing on the sidelines has gifted me endless amounts of logic and insight of how the game works, and I could feel myself getting hungry for every single one of my games once my foot was healed. The question was, where will I be playing next? I still had my goal for Brazil, but how will I get there? I guess my best bet is to aim for a Division 1 team back in America, and make a name for myself. I felt my eyes light up at my reasonable plan, before intentionally saddening my face as Aoba Johsai walked off the court.

I texted Bokuto and Kuroo the results of the game before grabbing my purse and leaving. The hardest part of this tournament has yet to come, and I don't want to get their egos too big before facing Ushiwaka and his stupid left hand. Walking off, I nodded towards Kageyama and Hinata. They would know what I meant, they're good kids. Once Hinata gets his game technique down, he'll be unstoppable, and I can't wait to see that day.

Once I arrived home from my very, very long walk, I flopped down on bed. I never really had anything to do anymore. Watch Brazil games? Seen them. Do homework? Finished. Text friends? Who? And, they're busy. Text Dad? No, I'm still upset. Text Mom? WHY? Practice volleyball? Can't. I only had the cast on for another week but it's still a pain in the ass. A lightbulb flickered on in my head as I walked over to my desk. I scrolled through my memories on my laptop to find videos of some of my best games.

After a couple hours of working, it was done. I had taken clips of my best moments and put it into a highlight reel. I uploaded it to my Facebook and Instagram and captioned it, I'll be back and on a Division 1 team after I graduate. Watch me win. Hopefully, this would catch the eyes of some volleyball players and executives, and maybe they'll start keeping an extra eye out for me. I shut my laptop off and headed to bed, mentally preparing myself to watch the game tomorrow. After all this, I think Karasuno can win.


I woke up and yawned, 6:30 Am sharp. After doing my morning routine and getting breakfast (Ahem, Coffee), I crutched over to my laptop and checked my social medias. To my surprise, my highlight reel had blown up on Facebook, with 13,000 views. I stared in shock at my computer screen after seeing that Megan Pendergast left a comment, an eyes emoji (UCLA Recruiting Coordinator/Assistant Coach)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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