Chapter 9

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Word Count: 1226 

Iwaizumi looked at his messages, his mouth agape. The text read I'm really pissed rn. Booty call? He decided he didn't want to miss this opportunity and responded, be there in 5 min.

 I waited for my invitee to show up. Of course this isn't my first time, I've had hookups here and there when I travelled for volleyball tournaments. Remembering those blissful nights, I almost didn't hear the knocking on my door. I smirked, wiping off my tears. I opened the door and I was immediately pushed back by strong arms, warm lips pressing up passionately against mine. Iwa quickly ripped my shirt off, the tent in his pants showing he was ready to go.

(Comment if you want me to write actual smut for this)

I got out of bed, yelping at the pain all over my body. I shakily walked into the bathroom, barely being able to stand up. I stared at my naked body, riddled with bruises, scratches, and love bites. I groaned, he didn't have to go that crazy! I threw on a sweatshirt and walked over to the kitchen, putting two pieces of bread in the toaster. I heard footsteps behind me and turned, greeted by a half-naked Iwa. He smiled nervously, and I grinned back at him. "First off, that was great. You didn't have to leave all those marks though," I huffed. He smirked, "What's the fun in that, then? Anyways, is this like a one time thing, or...?" He looked at me expectantly. I sighed, "Look, that was great, but I don't want to be in a committed relationship with you. You're hot, and a good friend of mine, and I'd like to keep it that way. What I'm trying to say is, we can fuck again if you want but I don't really want to date." Iwaizumi sighed in relief, "Same. I'm too busy right now for a relationship. I'll call you if I ever wanna do it again." I nodded, and he sat down at the table, digging into his jam and toast.

I waved as Iwaizumi sprinted off, he had realized he was now very far from his high school. I noticed the pain again and starting walking (more like limping) very slowly to school. I got a weird look from Hinata as he biked by, but luckily he didn't say anything. I arrived at school, keeping my head down to conceal my neck. I just had to get through the school day and the boy's practice then I would be set free. "Slow down," I pleaded as Ennoshita strides in front of me. He looked backwards, concerned. "Are you feeling okay today, Abby?" the almost-captain asked. I nodded stiffly, "Yeah I'm fine, I just got carried away working out yesterday. I'm super sore." He nodded in understanding, slowing down to reach my pace. 

The bell rung, and I was almost overjoyed, but I almost broke down remembering I said I would watch their practice today with Kiyoko. Wait! Kiyoko and Yachi were girls! They could help conceal me at practice! I spotted them to my right, heading to the gym too. "Girls, wait!" I called, getting them to turn towards me. Kiyoko jogged over and I whispered my dilemma into her ear, her nodding in understanding. She stood in front of me and Yachi stood to my worst side to try and make me stand out less as we stepped into the gym. We walked over to the side of the net, in our location.

The boys ran over to us for their water break, us three handing out their bottles. I winced lifting my left arm up to give Daichi his water bottle. "Abby, are you good?" He asked, bringing the attention of a couple people around him. I looked at the ground, whispering "Yeah, I'm fine." He grabbed my chin, tilting my head up so I looked him in the eyes. Great, now everyone could see my neck extended, the right and left sides being almost completely purple and red. Daichi stiffened and flushed, rushing out apologies, "I'm sorry! You and your boyfriend's business is none of mine! Forget this happened!" I sighed, a small smile on my life as I said, "It's okay, I forgive you. I don't have a boyfriend anyway, I was just...stressed," "So you're a whore then?" A boy's voice sneered. I turned to my right and saw Tsukishima laughing.

(3rd Person POV)

By now, most of the team was looking after Tsukkishima's confrontation of Abby. The blonde boy cackled at himself, before he realized he couldn't hear his usual companion. He opened his eyes, seeing the whole team looking over at Abby as tears streamed down her face. She walked out of the gym slowly, her tears making sounds as they hit the wood flooring. Daichi turned to the middle blocker, "Not cool, man. You can go home for the day." Tsukishima's eyes widened, Daichi's never done this before. He thought better than to talk back, so he stormed out quietly, passing Abby as she limped, not even glancing at her.

(Back to First Person)

I cried quietly as I walked home. His words should be hurting way less than they are. His tone sounded exactly like Mother's when he insulted me, which is probably why I reacted in that way. I reached my apartment and jumped on my bed, sobbing into the pillow. I just couldn't handle the years of insults from my Mom anymore. My brain had conveniently decided now was the time to stop bottling it in. My eyes couldn't stay open anymore as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the sun streaming through my window. I yawned and looked at my clock, which read 8:35. "Shit," I breathed, "I'm gonna be late for school!" I shot out of bed, whimpering from my still sore body, getting dressed in my uniform. I ran out of the house and went to school, passing some of my friends on the way. I panted as I reached my first class of the day, math. I raised my hand in greeting at Ennoshita, Tanaka, and Nishinoya. I strolled over to them, still catching my breath. "Hey Abby, I'm really sorry about Tsukishima yesterday," Nishinoya started. "Don't," I cut off, "I'm fine really. No biggie." I smiled to show them I was okay, and they nodded, going back to their usual arguing, but in reality, I wasn't okay. Resurfaced memories of my Mom had arisen, playing through my mind constantly, matching Tsukki's sneering voice from yesterday.

I looked up at my mom, drenched in water after I had spilled the mop bucket. "You bitch!" Mom shrieked, slapping her hand against my cheek. I cried out at the stinging sensation, "Sorry, Mama," my seven year-old self pleaded, "I'm sorry! It was an accident!" "Look at the mess you made Abby! It's all over me! You've ruined everything, like always!" I wailed on the ground, in fear of what would happen next.

I shivered at the memory, taking my seat before class started. I couldn't understand any part of the lesson, the memories in my head were too loud. I decided then I was going to attend the boys' practice again just to distract myself, even if I had to watch the blonde boy.

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