Chapter 23

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Word Count: 725 

This bitch was back in Miyagi! Just in time, too, with the Spring Interhigh Qualifier next week. I was still conflicted about whether I wanted Aoba Johsai or Karasuno to win. In my eyes, realistically, I'd probably root for Karasuno long term, their first years kept hitting me with surprises and I feel like they would be able to hold their own for a few matches. Aoba Johsai wouldn't be able to get far. On the other hand, it'd be morally better to root for Seijou in my eyes. It would be absolutely heartbreaking for Oikawa to see his "replacement" get farther in volleyball than he ever has. It'd destroy him. I slammed my head against my desk, groaning at the headache this decision was causing.

My phone vibrated on my desk and it vibrated. It was Ennoshita.

From: EnnoSHITa

To: Abbitch

Second and Third years are gonna play a bit at the gym today. Wanna come?

From: Abbitch

To: EnnoSHITa

yes plz.

I sat up up and cheered. Finally, a chance to play! I was itching to get a real spike in. I got up to go get dressed, eventually picking a pair of black volleyball shorts, my classic lavender knee pads, and a grey sports bra. I was about to run out of the house before it dawned on me. foot is broken. Shit. I groaned before hopping over to go grab my crutches. I was still gonna serve! Hobbling, I began my trek to the crow school.

"Hey guys!" I called to the group. They turned to look at me, Sugawara, Daichi, and Asahi immediately staring at my foot. I sighed, "Long story. I'll toss up some serves and sets for you guys, though." The boys nodded and strolled into the gym.

It was fine, I guess. I didn't care for setting, nor did I for serves where I didn't jump. God, I was just itching to get back to actually playing! I set the ball behind me, straight to Tanaka to spike a straight. "Nice set, Abby!" Sugawara complimented.

"Abby I thought you said you were an outside hitter," Kinnoshita commented. A few others nodded in agreement as I huffed and glared at them.

"Do you guys just expect me to be bad at the game or something? I'm so hurt, what the fuck." I said sarcastically. The boys stiffened and I threw a ball at Kinnoshita's head, making him yelp. We continued on afterwards, but I was still a little pissed that they underestimate my skills. I may not be a libero or a setter, but I'm not a bad player whatsoever. I may specialize in serving, but I'm a good all rounder. Before long, we decided to end things for the day, so the group parted ways, with Ennoshita, Sugawara, and I going the same direction.

"So," I broke the silence, "Do you guys thing you're ready for the tournament?" Sugawara looked at me, concern in his eyes.

"In all honesty...I don't know. If we end up making it all the way to the Seijou game and end up losing again, that's the worst possible outcome. It would permanently ruin team morale. And if we don't make it that far, that's it for us third years. Done forever." He had a glint in his eyes as he spoke, and Ennoshita stayed silent. I sighed and punched Suga's shoulder.

"Stop being so negative! It makes me anxious! Listen here, Suga, stop being a fucking wuss, you'll do fine. With those two little first years and that quick attack, and your synchronized attack, and Noya, and your serves, you guys are set. Trust me! I know what I'm talking about. I have every bit of faith that you guys will make it to nationals." My smile faltered at my lie. In reality, I had absolutely no idea how they would win against Shiratorizawa, but hey, a girl can dream, can't she?

Suga and Ennoshita grinned at me, giving me a high-ten as they cheered. "Great. Thanks, Abby!" Ennoshita called as he and Suga walked off in a different direction. I smirked, my pep-talk worked. Now all I had to do was pray that things went well next week, for everyone. I was crossing my fingers for so many competitors: Seijou, Karasuno, Nekoma, Fukurodani, and Itachiyama. The problem is, they can't all win at nationals. Great.

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