Chapter 13

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Word Count: 864 

I boarded the bus, almost crying at having to travel at such an unholy hour in the morning. I had to check into the hotel at a stupid early time, so I was out of the apartment at 5 AM, not even having time to get a coffee. I ripped my earbuds out of my backpack, preparing to endure the long drive ahead of me.

Hours later, I arrived at some random Bus Stop in Tokyo, pulling Google Maps out on my phone, sighing when I found out it would be a thirty-minute walk to get to the hotel. The walk actually wasn't as bad as I had predicted. My athleticism helped me get through the mostly uphill walk to the hotel, and I was distracted by the bright lights of the city to even care of the slight discomfort in my calves. I arrived at the gigantic hotel, checking in with the employee under my Dad's name. I jumped on my temporary bed, immediately passing out after getting up so early.


I awoke, the sun from the opened curtains glaring onto my face. I groaned, reaching out to grab my phone next to me. I was really not a morning person. My eyes widened as I realized I had slept for 20 hours, it being 6 AM. God damn, I was such a lazy-ass. Yesterday wasn't even that tiring!

I sat up, having no idea what to do until my tour at 2PM. A light-bulb flickered in my head, and I went back to sleep. A bitch was tired, okay?! I re-awoke at 9, getting out of bed to put my clothes on. I just threw on my athletic jacket and a pair of leggings. Nothing crazy, I was just going to go get a coffee and some groceries.

I hauled my ass out of the hotel, walking across the street to the small grocery store. I just grabbed a package of cashew milk yogurts, some protein bars, a couple of salads, and some random microwave meals that met my protein goals. I was never one to be too adventurous with food. I paid for my groceries, and walked next door to go get a hot coffee, eventually choosing a latte with skim milk. I sighed blissfully at the creamy, bitter liquid. It was one of the few things keeping me sane as a teenager. After dropping off my groceries in my room, I realized I still had three and a half hours before I had to leave for Itachiyama, so I decided to go on a run. Keeping the same clothes on, I jogged out of the apartment. I may not have been the fittest on my team, but conditioning from my father let me run a couple of miles before I decided to stop, heading back to the hotel.

I showered off, rubbing the mild-scented shampoo through my damp blonde locks. I didn't mind the scent at all, I just preferred my scents at home, like the lavender in my body wash and the tea tree in my shampoo, it just smelled more clean and fresh. After my small, unnecessary rant, I dried myself off, brushing through my soaked hair, then drying it off. I threw on a black long-sleeve top and a tight, high-waisted brown checkered skirt. I remembered Sakusa's warning of rain, and threw on black leggings and rain boots as well for good measure. I remembered something I'd probably need, and headed out of the hotel, observing the now-cloudy sky.

I walked back into the grocery store, purchasing a plain black umbrella before heading in the direction of Itachiyama. Small droplets of water started hitting the ground, and I smiled, happy that someone prepared me for the weather.

I walked through the gates of the prestigious school, admiring the tall architecture of the lecture halls. A tall man with wide shoulders walked up to me, who I assumed must have been the man who called me last week. The familiar voice greeted me, leading me to a roofed area of the campus as the rain started coming down harder.

He showed me through the second year area, where I observed the students in blazers worked. They seemed relatively normal, similar to Seijou and Karasuno students. Then, he lead me through the cafeteria. Luckily, they had an indoors and outdoors eating area, I wasn't sure whether I would enjoy having my only place to eat be a crowded, loud room. I was social, sure, but I had my limits in large groups.

Next, the man guided me over to their athletics area. I liked their fields and their track. They were neat and the grass on the fields were green and full, unlike the fields I saw at my old school in Southern California. The man, Mr. Kanta, turned towards me, "You requested to watch the volleyball team from the balcony, right? Now would be your time to do that." He signaled to the gymnasium, and I nodded, smiling at the gigantic man. I bolted for the gymnasium stairs, trying not to slip on the wet floor as I stepped onto the balcony overlooking the volleyball courts.

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