Chapter 16

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Word Count: 390 

A frantic knocking at the door startled me, and I hobbled to go unlock the door.

"Abby?!" Akaashi exclaimed, "What happened?"

I glanced down at my foot, and he stared down, shocked and confused.

"I'll explain later, can you please take me to the doctor?!"

He nodded, allowing me to grip his shoulders as a crutch. We got a lot of looks in the lobby as I walked out, with only one shoe on. He hailed a taxi and urged him to go to the nearest hospital, while tears still spilled from my eyes.


"You were really reckless," the doctor commented, but my glare stopped him from saying anything else. I glanced at the pink cast on my foot. The doctor had cleaned up my cuts and put the cast on, saying I had broken my big toe. The doctor helped lift me up, letting me grab onto the crutches. "You're free to go," he finished. I whispered a small, "Thank you," before I walked out with my new crutches.

Akaashi stood up from his seat, walking swiftly over to me.

"What happened?" he whisper-shouted.

"Can we talk about this in the hotel room? Somewhere private?"

He nodded, walking slowly so I could catch up. 

After we got back to the hotel, he looked at me expectantly, raising an eyebrow.

"My parents are getting 'divorced'. I was upset, went to go get blackout drunk, and dropped the bottle of Vodka."

"Oh, Abby, I'm so sorry. That must be horrible," he sighed, "But that was stupid! You know you shouldn't be drinking."

"I know. I'm sorry," I whispered. He glanced at me with pity, then waved as he stepped out of the hotel. Damn,  I thought, There goes my run with Komori. I chuckled to myself at my stupid spot, too worn-out to be upset at the moment. I took a picture of my cast and sent it to the Karasuno second-year group chat of Tanaka, Ennoshita, Noya, and the others. 

Tokyo tingzzz, I texted. I shut my phone off, not before texting Komori that we could still hang out, I just couldn't run. I placed my crutches on the side of the bed, exhausted. I don't know what meds that hospital shoved down my throat, but it was taking its toll. Lying back on the bed, I slowly shut my eyes, the events of the day wearing me out. 

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