Chapter 11

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Word Count: 601 

I sat at my desk, working on English homework when my phone buzzed. It was Sakusa, dry as ever, responding to my text. Right. It's supposed to rain then. Pack an umbrella. I groaned at his boring texting, going back to my easy English work. It was the one class I could pass anyways, since I was fluent. My phone buzzed again, and I received a text that was surprisingly on-topic. Bokuto texted, Abbyyyyyyy could you pleeeeease help me study for English exams jendfekbfdshfbdsfh????? I giggled at his erratic way of texting, replying immediately, You're lucky I'm in Tokyo next week. He replied again:


Could Akaashi not help you? I questioned him.

Agaaaaashi says he's too busy, but I think he just sucks at English, unlike the super-genius over here!

Before I could reply, he texted again,

This phone has been hereby confiscated by Keiji Akaashi. Btw, we'll meet you at Bokuto's house next Friday.

I grinned at the boys' playful behavior. Now I had another thing to look forward to in Tokyo. I had to admit, Tokyo was a lot more fun than plain-old Karasuno. It's harsh but it's true, the people over there were a lot easier to get along with. Right now, my top choices were Fukurodani and Aoba Johsai. On one hand, Bokuto and Akaashi were people I could see becoming my best friends. On the other hand, then the Miyagi Prefecture would be 5-6 hours away, and I would leave behind a lot of people. I groaned, slamming my head against the desk, right before my ringtone went off. It was Dad.

"Hello?" I picked up.

"Abby you really messed yourself up with your mother. What-"

"-Look Dad, I know. I'll go apologize to her, I guess."

"No," Dad cut off, "I don't expect you to. You were right."


"I said you were right. I know you left to Japan to escape us, and frankly I don't blame you. We've been a shitty family. I'm sorry I'm always working, I'm so sorry for how your Mother has treated you behind my back, and I'm sorry you were never given a childhood because of your brothers."

"Dad? I don't blame you at all, just Mom really. What's going on with you two?"

"I-sigh- I don't know. I've been staying in a hotel for the past few days after an argument with your Mom. I'm not sure where things are headed as of now."

"WHAT?" I shouted into the phone. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I realized what that was hinting to. I couldn't deal with divorce right now, my BROTHERS especially couldn't either. I started hyperventilating at the thoughts of what that would put my brothers through.

"Abby! It'll be fine, I promise. I'm gonna go lay low for a while, I'll talk to your Mother and my lawyer while I decide what to do. I won't contact you for the next few weeks."

"B-but what'll happen to the boys?" My voice quivered.



"Sorry, shouldn't have raised my voice. You go have fun in Tokyo, we'll be fine," He emphasized. I made a noise of agreeance into the phone, hearing the click of the phone hanging up. Sobs racked my body as tears fell onto my English papers. Just as my sobs were slowing down, I conveniently received ANOTHER phone call, this time from Ennoshita. 

"Hey, Abby, the second years are studying together. Could you come over to Tanaka's house and help the two idiots learn English?"

"Be right there."

A New Adventure (Sakusa Kiyoomi )Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora