Chapter 24

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Word Count: 691 

The tournament was fast approaching, and I could tell the boys' nerves were getting to them. Even the second years were quieter, stuck in their own anxious thoughts. It was annoying, quite honestly, but luckily my Tokyo friends weren't nearly as nervous, so I could always text and call them instead. Yet for some reason, I was the nervous one whenever it came to the idea of messaging Kiyoomi. Komori and I called almost every other day, but the idea of communicating one-on-one with Sakusa after that fateful day at Itachiyama Institute made butterflies do the conga in my stomach.

It was currently the day before the tournament. I got out of bed, barely able to keep my eyes open as usual. I'm sure this had to do with my caffeine addiction but it was too late to get off of the bitter liquid now. I walked to my bathroom, quickly brushing through my hair and putting on my daily makeup, already dressed in most of my uniform. Though, I'd rather die than be caught wearing the full uniform. You will never catch me wearing the blazer. I rushed out of the house, grabbing my daily coffee on my way to school. I was surprisingly early this morning, so I didn't have my usual company of some of the volleyball guys.

I got to school and sat down in my homeroom classroom, sighing before I decided to shut my eyes a bit before the bell rang. And, knowing my luck, before I knew it I had slept through homeroom. I opened my eyes at the end of class bell, sighing as my large teacher stood in front of my desk to hand me a detention slip. That's like the fifth time this month!

Stepping out of the classroom, I spotted Noya, Tanaka, and Ennoshita across the hallway, so I walked over. As I approached, I felt them turn and stare at me. I started to shake a bit at their full attention.

"Hey!" I greeted, putting a smile on my face, "Something wrong?" It took a moment, but Ennoshita shook his head and responded.

"No, I'm just surprised. I don't think I've seen you with your hair down before. It looks...nice." I flushed at the compliment. My long blonde locks hung down loosely rather than my usual tight ponytail. It was mainly because I forgot to tie my hair up, but hey, I'll take the compliment. I bowed towards Ennoshita and he started walking towards our math class. People...think...I'm pretty?  I thought to myself.

It happened again at lunch, I received compliments from Narita and Kinnoshita. My ego was going crazy today. "Hey Abby," Kinnoshita started, "You're pretty, and decently well known in the women's volleyball community, why don't you have a social media?"

"I dunno, never thought about it I guess." Kinnoshita sweat-dropped and I pulled out my phone, going to the AppStore and downloading Twitter and Instagram. I made my account while the boys were discussing game strategy and practice techniques. "There," I sighed, "Social media created." They looked at me and nodded, going back to conversing. I made a few posts on my Instagram explaining who I was, then posting a photo I had taken this weekend in a new outfit. I shut off my phone and went back to listening to game strategies.

The day went by quickly, aside from my hour long detention after school, but I was home before I knew it. An idea popped in my head and I quickly texted all the contacts on my phone their Twitter handles and their Instas. I followed Komori, Akaashi, Bokuto, Oikawa, Sugawara, Kuroo, and Yaku on Twitter, and I followed the entire Brazilian and Chinese Olympic teams on Instagram (Not that I knew any of them), as well as some of my favorite music artists and models. Scrolling through Dani Lins' instagram, I noticed how jealous I was of her lifestyle. Brazil was so beautiful! The culture, the language, the people, and beach volleyball by the palm trees sounded wonderful! Maybe I could do that one day, I thought to myself before I shut off my lamp, preparing for the tournament tomorrow. 

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