Let's Talk.

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I'm here to clear up a few things.

I have made it abundantly clear some of the themes in this story are harrowing. I've trigger warning-ed with the best of my ability. Please if you're uncomfortable with the contents of my story stop reading x

Now, let's talk about the last chapter.

I see a lot going on in the comments and first and foremost I want to say be kind and respectful to one another.

Both Fred and Iris are going through some shit at the moment, both are dealing with trauma, both are handling things in their own way; neither are entirely right or wrong in their actions.

Iris did not initiate sex with Fred, she kissed him - he initiated the sex. Both were consenting. If he didn't want to, they would have stopped. If she didn't want to, she would have said. She wanted to have sex with him, he didn't know she was in pain, she made the decision to continue having sex with him. He wanted to have sex with her, he would have said if he didn't, he ultimately started it. Both were consenting. Both wanted it. I cannot stress that enough. They are both at fault in a sense, she should have verbalised her pain, he should have made sure she was physically ready before they had sex. They've had rough sex before, they like rough sex. The entire situation was just slightly messy, to symbolise the breakdown in their communication and the turbulence in their relationship.

Iris isn't blaming Fred. Iris isn't angry with him. Iris wants nothing but to heal him, to help him and to make him okay. He's hurting, she's hurting and there are no malicious intentions, all they want is happiness for each other. Fred thinks he's the source of her pain, thus he's distancing, and he's distancing because he's going through a lot. Iris just wants him to be okay, she wants to be there for him and to be happy.

I wasn't going to write this because ultimately it will be resolved in the actual story, it will be touched on and talked about, but seeing some of you get upset in the comments made me just want to clear it up before we continue.

I'm sorry if this chapter was tactless or upsetting in anyway, it is never my intention to hurt or upset my readers. I just want to shed light on real life issues and write to the best of my ability.

Please can we just be respectful and kind to one another and to me.

Remember this story deals with sensitive and triggering topics (which have been forewarned) before you continue reading.

Sending love always. Be kind always.

Thank you. I love you all.

Sylv <3

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