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QUICK PSA BEFORE WE START, IF YOU ARE SOMEONE WHO IDENTIFIES STRONGLY WITH CERTAIN PRONOUNS OR IF YOU STRUGGLE WITH GENDER IDENTITY AND MISGENDERING PLEASE LEAVE YOUR PRONOUNS IN YOUR COMMENT. i generally try and check profiles for preferred pronouns before responding to comments, but i use a lot of 'girl' 'sis' 'she' and generally feminine references, so if you would like me to not do this, or refer to you with certain pronouns, please don't hesitate to ask:) (i will also be adding this to the preface) 

A/N: okay so i don't really tend to like casting characters cause i like you all to use your imaginations but if you wanna be on the same wavelength as me this is how i picture our new characters: eliza, you've already seen her, refer back to chapter 26 for her. cordelia - idk for some reason i'm picturing her as the grandma from moana, i know she's a cartoon character, don't ask me why. elbar - i'm feeling either avan jogia or dev patel. and then for robin idk just some like crazy white haired man like steve buscemi or maybe like sir ian mckellen lol 

also two words: jealous fred 

buckle up, this is a long one, i've changed pov three times 

SMUT WARNING: graphic sexual descriptions, some of the scenes described in this chapter may not be to everyone's personal taste, i ask for no kink shaming in my comments ;) and i also ask you lovely lot to leave me some ideas for smut, let me know what you want. ok i'm done talking, enjoy<3 

iris' pov

usually, when i was awoken to a shower of golden sunlight peaking in through the window and the soft snores of the man i loved sleeping blissfully beside me, it filled me with great content; happy to be surrounded by such lovely things. on this particular morning, however, i would have quite liked for the sun to be sucked up into a black hole, and to smother my boyfriend with a pillow, for waking me up. the pain in my head when i pried open my eye was nothing short of agony, hissing as the bright light burned a hole through my skull. turning over with a groan, i buried my face in my pillow, attempting to drown out the insufferable, penetrating sunlight. 

"well good morning, sleepy head," fred sang from beside me, sounding all too cheerful for such a dismal morning. 

"fred if you don't shut your fucking mouth i swear i'll-"

"woah, woah, woah, calm down little lady," 

"sh," i hushed him, reaching over and smushing his face with my hand. 

"well, i was under the impression we would be copulating this morning,"

"copulating? what are you going on about?"

"you said last night 'tomorrow, we copulate',"he imitated my drunken ramblings

"well, drunk me lied, i'm going to lay right here and rot away until i either die, or make a miraculous recovery,"

"don't be such a drama queen, mills," he laughed, pulling my body into his, peppering my neck with light kisses.

"do you have any of that potion you gave me last time, when i was sick?"

"there's some at the burrow,"

i sat up slightly, wincing at the pain in my head, feeling dizzy from the movement, and tried to muster up the best puppy-dog eyes i possibly could. 


"pleeeease," i whined, grabbing his cheeks between my fingers and kissing him, before pulling back and batting my eyelashes at him. sighing, he stood up, muttering under his breath, pulling on his jeans. 

"you, iris mills," he said, pulling a t shirt over his head, leaning over and pressing a kiss on my mouth, "have me far too whipped," 

"i love you," i chuckled, as he pulled out his wand, sending me a wink, and apparating to the burrow. 

Twin Flame // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now