Letter 3

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Dear Iris

Oh it's lovely to hear from you dear, please call me Molly. We're all wonderful here thank you, I am loving having all the family home but I'm sure you know as much as I do the trouble those twins of mine cause. I daren't even go in their bedroom, I'm afraid of what I might find. As much as I love them they drive me round the bend sometimes. I'm one more explosion away from a heart attack. 

The muggle shops sound superb dear, I'd love to visit them with you - you will have to give me a helping hand with the muggle money though. 

Fred has not stopped talking about you since you finished Hogwarts, I know him and George are missing you a lot - it's like they've lost a limb without you. Of course you are more than welcome here any time at all - I'd half expected you to move in as soon as summer began, but Fred tells me you were spending a few weeks with your Dad. You'll be staying here as long as you like my love, none of that 'not staying the night' nonsense. This house is never too full for family and you're just as part of the family as anyone. I'm sorry to hear that your father is going away again, but at least you got a couple of weeks with him to celebrate graduating! That being said, I would love it if you could come and spend the rest of your summer here, with us, at least until your dad is back? I need someone to keep the twins in check - I know you're up for that job. 

I'm sure Arthur would be delighted if you brought some muggle artefacts, I'll charm them to make sure he can't tamper with them. 

Send me a letter and tell me what time and date you'll be arriving and i'll make sure the twins are busy so you can surprise them. I assume you'll be apparating?

I'll see you soon dear, 


Twin Flame // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now