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Paul's POV

Waking up to Ringo is the best thing ever. Especially since he's little now. I woke up to Ringo snoring, his head on my chest and drooling, creating a puddle of saliva on my chest. He looked adorable like this. Because we couldn't waste all day sleeping, I woke him up.

"Good morning, sleepy-head!" I say. He looks at me smiling dopily while rubbing his tired eyes.

"Good morning, Paulie." He says tiredly. Before I had any time to say anything back, he laid his head back on my chest.

"We can't waste this perfectly sunny day, honey. C'mon, let's have some breaky and watch cartoons." This wasn't enough to persuade him.

"But it's sundayyyy," Ringo complained. "Sunday's are meant for sleeping, and I wanna stay in bed and cuddle with you." That's all he wanted? I thought for sure he would want to watch cartoons. That was usually the highlight of his mornings, no matter how old he was feeling.

"Alright, darling. If you wanna cuddle, let's cuddle." I said. I sat him up and started to wrap us in our blanket.

"Paulie, what are you doing?" He said laughing.

"We're gonna cuddle, just like you wanted!" When I was done wraping us up in the blanket, we layed down and he hugged me tightly inside the warm, cozy blanket.

"I wuv you so so much, Paulie."

"Aww, I love you so so much too, baby doll" I say booping his nose.

"Hey!" He says, getting me back. It turned into a whole war of us booping each others noses until we got bored.

After a while, I got lost at sea in his ocean blue eyes. We just stared at each other until we fell into a peaceful slumber~

𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖔 // 𝖒𝖈𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖗Where stories live. Discover now