a day with eppy part i

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Paul decided to go out with John for the day. Coincedently, George was sick, so he couldn't watch Ringo. There was only one other person they could rely on. And that person was Brian Epstein.

• • •

Paul put down the phone and looked down at Ringo, who was sitting next to Paul playing with his toys.

"Well buddy-boy," Paul said. "Looks like Georgie is sick. Eppy is going to have to watch you."

"Awww," Ringo complained. "I wish Georgie could babysit me. He's so much fun."

"I know baby, but i'm sure you'll have so much fun with Eppy."

Paul and Ringo were lounging around, waiting for Brian. Soon, they heard a knock at the door.

"Guess who that is?" Paul asked. He went to the door and opened it.

Brian smiled. "Hello, Paul!"

"Hello, Eppy!" Paul greeted.

Paul didn't even notice Ringo had woddled over and stood behind Paul until he felt Ringo hug him from behind.

"Hello, Ringo! How are you?" Brian asked. Ringo just hid behind Paul shyly.

"Why don't you come in?" Paul asked. He stepped away from the doorway (with Ringo still attatched to his back) and let Brian in.

Brian noticed Ringo still wasn't warming up to him, so he walked over to him.

"I promise, i'm gonna take good care of you." Brian said to Ringo. Ringo was still shy, but he at least came off of Paul and smiled a bit.

Paul checked his watch. "Ooh, it's time for me to go. Brian, I left a list of rules on the dinner table." Paul turned to Ringo and kissed him on the lips. "I love you, sweetheart. You be good for Eppy. Bye bye, lads!"

"Bye bye!" Brian and Ringo said in unison. With that, Brian and Ringo were left alone.

"So, uh, what do you wanna do?" Brian asked awkwardly. He didn't know what kind of stuff Ringo liked to do since he was little.

"I'm just gonna go play for a bit." Ringo said. He didn't wanna bother Brian too much.

"Okay, well if you need me i'll be in the kitchen." Brian replied. He took this as an opportunity to go over the list of rules John left him.


This is a list of rules you must follow. Here are some basic rules:

1. Don't make a big mess, I just cleaned.

2. Feel free to eat anything.

3. Make sure to check Ringo's nappy every half hour. He'll show you where the nappies are.

4. If he's being naughty, feel free to threaten him with punishment. If it's minor, just put him in the corner. If it's major, spank him. Make sure to make him feel better afterwards though, or else he'll hate you forever.

5. Give him his baba right before bed. (His baba is his bottle)

6. I won't be back 'til night time, make sure to give him bath.

Hope these aren't too hard to follow. Good luck!

Your friend,

These didn't seem so bad to Brian. Well, except for rule 3. He hated changing nappies. When he looked up, he saw Ringo standing in front of him. It looked like he was on the verge of tears. Brian picked him up and held him in his lap.

"What's wrong?" Ringo just sat there crying. This made Brian a little frustrated. Then he remembered the letted Paul wrote. He didn't know when Paul last changed him, so he decided to check him.

"I'm just gonna check your nappy, okay?" He felt around his nappy, which of course was wet. Great Brian thought. Just great..

"Okay, let's go change your nappy." Brian said as he picked up a still-crying Ringo and carried him to Ringo and Paul's room. He layed him down on their well-made bed.

"Uh, darling? Do you know where you nappies are?" Brian asked.

Ringo pointed to the top drawer of the dresser, still crying. He did not want Brian to change him. Brian went over to the dresser and pulled out a nappy and two pins. He also found a rattle ontop of the dresser, which he thought might keep him entertained. He gave Ringo his rattle and tried to change him, but Ringo wouldn't let him.

"No no." Ringo pouted as he crossed his legs.

"Ringo, please let me change your nappy. I promise i'll be quick. Trust me, I don't wanna do this either." So Brian uncrossed Ringo's legs and started to change him. Ringo decided he shouldn't be difficult, so he concentrated on shaking his rattle (which was a pretty boring affair to him) After all, he didn't want to be a bad boy.

Brian didn't want to say anything to embarass Ringo, so Brian just hummed to him as he changed him. This was a bit embarassing for Brian and Ringo both. Brian had never seen Ringo's "down there" before, but they both tried to ignore it.

After the deed was done, Brian got Ringo dressed into his usual night time attire: no pants and one of Paul's sweaters. This time, Brian had picked out a light pink sweater.

"Alright darling. Do you want your baba now?" Brian asked after he got Ringo dressed.

"Mm-hm." Ringo replied. Brian carried him to the living room and layed him down on the couch.

"You stay here while I get your baba." When Brian got to the kitchen, he saw his baba already sat out with another note:


I already made Ringo's baba, since I didn't think you would know how to do it. Just warm it up and feed it to him.


Brian took the bottle and warmed it up like it said on the note. He could hear Ringo starting to get fussy in the living room so he rushed back to him.

"Eppy!" Ringo yelled.

"Shhh, Ringo. No need to fret! Look what I have." Brian said, sitting down and cradling Ringo. He slipped the teet into Ringo's mouth and watched as he sucked on it. Although he didn't like changing nappies, he did love this. He loved watching Ringo suckle on his bottle as he held him.

Pretty soon, Ringo was fast asleep in Brian's arms. Brian laid him down next to him on the couch and drapped a blanket over him. He couldn't believe he wad thinking this, but now that Ringo was asleep, he was bored. He actually liked taking care of little Ringo. By now, it was only 10 o'clock in the morning.

A/N: as requested by Heather_meteor<
There will be a part two to this, imma start that right now😉

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