fun and games

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Ringo loved when Paul would play with him. Although he loved it when George would come over to play, Ringo liked it better when Paul would play with him.

Ringo was laying on the floor, being entertained by Paul. He was blowing raspberries on Ringo's tummy, which earned him an adorable roar of laughter.

"Again, Paulie! Again!" Ringo begged. He loved when Paul did this. So Paul blew on Ringo's tummy again, getting another laugh from him.

"I wonder if Ringo is ticklish, is he?" Paul teased.

"Don't you dare Pau-au-lie! Sto-o-op that!!" Ringo tried to say, but Paul started to attack his sides.

"Ahhhh!!!" Ringo screamed. Ringo squirmed and gasped for air. "No moreee-hahaha!! No more Paul!"

"Okay, baby." Paul said, giving up. He let Ringo rest for a little before he decided to play a different game. He hid his eyes with his hands.

"Where's Paulie?" Paul asked, then waited a few seconds.

"Paulie!" Ringo shouted when Paul uncovered his eyes. Paul scooped Ringo up and sat him on his lap, giving him a big hug.

"Where's Paulie?" Paul asked, going for another round.

"Paulie? Where are you?" Ringo knew this was fake, but he still loved to play this game with Paul.

Paul removed his hands. "Here he is!" Paul said. Ringo hugged Paul tightly, resting his head on his shoulder.


"Yes, baby?"

"You won't ever actually leave me, will you?" Ringo asked sadly.

"I could never! I need you as much as you need me. I promise I will always be here for you." Paul said, giving Ringo a kiss in between his cute blue eyes. Ringo covered his eyes just like Paul did.

"Richie?" Paul faked. "Where did you go?" Ringo laughed loudly as he uncovered his eyes.

"There's my baby!" Paul cheered.

"Y'know you have the cutest little laugh ever?" Paul asked as he gave Ringo a kiss on the nose. Ringo blushed. Paul flatters him a little too much sometimes. Ringo layed his head down in Paul's lap, on his tummy. It was now obvious to Paul that Ringo was tuckered out from all their playing. Ringo yawned.

"Did Paulie tire you out? Are you sleepy darling?" Ringo nodded and whined as Paul picked him up bridal style and carried him to their room. They sat in a rocking chair in the corner of their room. Paul reached for Ringo's bottle which was sitting on a table near by and started to feed him as he rocked.

Paul watched as Ringo's eyes fluttered open and closed. He could tell Ringo was going to fall asleep soon. And pretty soon, he did.                                                                                                        

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