sickies part i

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Paul woke to a sound that he did not ever want to hear: Ringo throwing up his guts in the toilet at 3am. Paul sighed as he heard this. They were on tour, this could not be happening!! He had to get up and take care of him at some point.

Paul followed the disgusting sound. The sight was worse than the sound. His poor baby boy, skin about as white as a sheet, hair all messed up, kneeling on the ground and his head in the toilet make horrible gagging and puking sounds. Paul knelt down next to Ringo and stroked his hair as he threw up "Hey luv," Ringo dry heaved and cried. "Shhh, it's alright now." Paul soothed as he hugged Ringo as he let him cry into his naked shoulder.

"P-Paulie, I f-feel icky!" Ringo sobbed. Paul sighed as he started to pat Ringo's back.

"I know luv, it's going to be okay."

"I'm s-sorry" Ringo hiccuped.

"It's alright, luv." Paul continued to shush and coo sweet things into Ringo's ear as he boo-hooed.


After many awful hours of Ringo throwing up and crying, it was now time John and George would be waking up. Paul's plan was to have John and George help him take care of Ringo and to tell Brian to cancel their next concert or two.

Paul carried Ringo, who was holding a bucket and his stuffed octopus, to John and George's hotel room. They were both awake, John in the bathroom brushing his teeth, and George on the bed. Paul carried Ringo into the room and sat on the bed.

Paul looked at George, who had a very concerned look on his face. He stared at Ringo, who was still as white as a sheet and also still in his blue and white striped pajamas. "Today is going to be a long day." Paul sighed.

"Hey buddy boy, what's the matter?" George asked Ringo.

"I feel icky." Ringo pouted. He whimpered for George to hold him, which George gladly did.

"How long have you two been up?" George asked Paul.

"Since three." And it showed. His eyes were red and couldn't stay open. John walked out of the bathroom and sighed when he saw miserable Ringo.

"Oh, what's the matter now?" John asked, clearly upset.

"Ringo's not feeling well." George stated.

"We're going to have to cancel the concert tonight." Paul sighed.

"Really? We can't!" John shouted, which scared Ringo a bit. "Ringo, you're fine aren't y-" John stopped as soon as he saw Ringo's pale face and the bucket he was holding. Ringo looked at hin with his big blue, sad eyes. "Okay, maybe you aren't fine. But you'll be fine by tonight, won't you?" Paul's face went red with anger. How could John be so selfish when one of his best friends was sick?

"John! Stop being so selfish!" Paul hissed. "You really care more about the stupid concert tonight more than Ringo?" Ringo started to cry. He always cried when his friends started to yell and fight. John started to feel a little guilty.

John sat on the bed with the other Beatles and started to stroke Ringo's hair. "I didn't mean to be so selfish. I really do care about you more than that concert tonight. George, Paul, and I will take good care of you." Ringo smiled a little at those words.

Later, The Beatles went to Paul and Ringo's hotel room to take care of Ringo. Paul was catching up on some sleep on the couch, John was calling Brian, George was doing anything Ringo asked him to do for him, and Ringo, well, was busy being sick. George already made the mistake of feeding Ringo, which lead to him sticking his head in a bucket a throwing the soup back up. He was just doing what Ringo asked.

"Brian said it's fine if we cancel tonights show, but we can't cancel anymore after tonight. So we have to do everything we can to help Ringo feel better." John affirmed after he was done calling Brian.

"But John, if he's not better tomorrow?" George asked as he started to pet Ringo's hair.

"He will, don't worry. And if it means him going to the doctor, so be it. He has to feel better by tomorrow." John has always been a leader.

Ringo trembled. He hated the talk of hospitals and doctors. He was always scared of them and it didn't help that he had appendicitis when he was 6. "I'm not going to the doctor." He said meekly.

"Well if you don't get better soon you're gonna have to." John said before leaving to go to the shops to buy stuff for Ringo.

When John left, it was quiet. Paul was still sound asleep and he was left with George. He looked up at him sadly. "Please help me feel better Georgie, I can't go to the doctor."

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