mean johnny

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One night, Paul and Ringo were having John and George over. Ringo was very excited.

Ringo waited impatiently at the door, eager to see his mates.

"Paulll when is Johnny and Georgie coming?" Ringo asked. It was only 6 o'clock and they were arriving at 8.


"How much later?" Ringo complained.

"Two hours. How about we go find something to do while we wait, hm? We should also change your nappy before they come."

Ringo sighed. "Oh okay.." So they went to change his nappy and after, played with his blocks.

Moments later, they heard a knock at the door. This caused Ringo to jump about 50 feet in the air.

"Johnny! Georgie! Paulie, they're here!" Ringo shouted excitedly.

Paul laughed. "Yes, yes I know!" Paul went to the door and opened it for John and George. Ringo let out a little shriek of excitement when he saw his mates walk in.

"Now now, Richie. We don't wanna burst a blood vessel, do we?" Paul said. Ringo shook his head. He decided to calm down for Paul's sake.

After they sat down and talked for a while, they decided to play checkers. Luckily they had two boards so two people can play on one and the other two can play on the other.

"Hey squirt, wanna play with me?" John asked Ringo.

"Yeah!" Ringo responded a little too excitedly. They set up the board next to Paul and George. Somehow, Paul and George were already fighting and they haven't even started the game :/ They got so mad at each other for god knows what, that they didn't even play. So John and Ringo played.


"Johnny! You said you would go easy on me!"

"I am!" John shouted.

"No you aren't!"

"Well maybe if you knew how to play the damn game I wouldn't have to." It was rare for John to curse at Ringo while he was little.

Ringo started to tear up. "Why are you being so mean to me? I do know how to play!" He choked. Paul couldn't help to hear John and Ringo's little fight, so he went to see what they were arguing about.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's going on?" Paul looked back and forth at Ringo, who was now crying a river, and John, who looked very annoyed.

"He-he's being a meanie!" Ringo stuttered.

"I am not! He's not making good moves so now he's crying about it."

"STOP!" Ringo cried. Paul picked up Ringo and sat him in his lap and rocked him gently.

"Jesus, John! Don't yell at him like that! He was just trying to play, it doesn't matter if he was not making 'good moves.'" Paul said. John looked at his shoes. He didn't mean to make Ringo upset. John got up and walked over to Ringo who was still sitting Paul's lap. John gave Ringo a small hug. He hesitated before hugging John back.

"I'm sorry, little one. I didn't mean to get upset with you." John appologized. Ringo sniffled into his shirt.

George walked in. He was too busy being caught up watching the news to even care what was happening in the kitchen.

"Hey guys! I heard yelling earlier, what happened?" The others just looked at him.

"None of your business, George." Paul said.

"Yeah, none of your business!" Ringo said in a mocking voice. They all laughed at Ringo's mocking. After that, they decided to not have anymore fights that night and just have fun.

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