a day out

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It was hard for The Beatles to walk about, being famous and all. What they learned was even harder than that was not only being famous and going out, but being famous and having a rambunctious five year old with them. That five year old is also known as Ringo Starr.

Paul and Ringo were walking around Liverpool. It was a cool, spring day and not many people were out. They were walking towards the library, when Ringo spotted something: an ice cream parlour.

Ringo tugged on Paul's shirt, stopping him from entering the library. "Paulie, Paulie! Lookie!!" He exclaimed while pointing at the ice cream parlour.

"Shh," Paul shushed. "I see, if you can be quiet in the library, maybe i'll buy you some ice cream. C'mon."

"You're such a tease, making me wait to get ice cream" Ringo muttered.

"What was that?" Paul asks sternly.

Ringo cleared his throat. "I said i'll be a good boy and wait patiently." He lied.

"Huh, I thought I heard someone call me a tease, but I guess I was wrong." Ringo smirked, glad he got away with insulting Paul. "Remember Richie, quiet in the library." Richie is what Paul called Ringo in public. If he said Ringo, it would be too obvious and may draw attention to people if he said it loud enough.

The two Beatles walked into the enormous library. Luckly there was only a few people in the library. Ringo stood in awe, looking at the tall book shelves and how high the celing was. "Come along, Richie. Let's go look at the books instead of staring at the celing." Paul whispered, pulling Ringo's arm.

Paul took Ringo to the back of the library where all the childrens books were. After a while of looking for a book, Ringo found the one he wanted to read and brought it to Paul who was looking for a book himself.

"Charlotte's Web!" Paul whisper-shouted. "My mum used to read that book to me all the time, I loved it."

"Okay, okay. Let's check out so we can go get ice cream!" Ringo said, not whispering of course.

Paul looked around to see if people had noticed Ringo not whispering. No one was looking. They must have been on the otherside of the library because he did not hear any shushes. "Hush darling. Remember we're in a library." Paul said stern but gentle. They walked up to the counter so they could check out their books. 

"Hello, Mr. McCartney. Hello, Mr. Starr. Lovely day, isn't it?" The librarian said. They were glad that she wasn't like any other fan. She was calm, and respectful.

"It is a beautiful day, isn't it?" Paul agreed. They made small talk for a while after they had checked out their book, then said goodbye.

"Bye-bye!" Ringo said as he waved at the librarian.

"Bye! Have a wonderful day!" She said back. Ringo walked out of the library and started to skip down the sidewalk to the ice cream parlour.

"Who said you can go alone?" Ringo stopped and cringed as he heard Paul yell at him down the sidewalk. Ringo slumped back to Paul and held his hand. "That's what I thought. Now since you were good, all though you didn't whisper that one time, i'll buy you some ice cream." They walked (together) down the sidewalk and into the ice cream parlour. Ringo looked at all the ice cream flavours. They all looked so good, he didn't know if he could make up his mind.

"What kind of ice cream do you want?" Paul asked.

"Umm, raspberry." He finally decided.

"Oooo, that sounds yummy. It think i'll have the same." Just then, the confectioner walked in to take their order.

"Ello, how may I help you today?" He asked.

"Two raspberry ice creams please." Ringo asked politely. Ringo watched as the confectioner scooped out the ice cream and put it on top of their cones.

"'Ere are your raspberry ice creams, sirs." He said as he handed them their ice cream.

"Thank you, have a good day!" Paul and Ringo said. They walked back to Paul's house, which was not far away, and ate their ice cream.

"How's your ice cream, baby?" Paul asked, as he unlocked the house and walked inside.

"Very yummy! Thank you, Paulie." They sat down on the sofa as they finished their ice cream.

"You have a little something right.." Paul began, then started to kiss and lick the ice cream off Ringo's lips.

Ringo giggled. "Paulie! Stop that!"

"Oh, you don't like Paulie's kisses.." Paul said, pretending to be sad. Ringo didn't know if Paul was faking, so he gave Paul a kiss on his cheek.

"Oi! Now i've got ice cream on my face!" Paul exclaimed, causing Ringo to burst into the cutest fit of giggles. It was days like these that made Paul realize how thankful he is for Ringo.

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