hold me

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It was a boring day in the studio. John and Paul were writing a song, while George and Ringo were probably playing a silly game. Because John and Paul were writing songs, that meant George and Ringo had nothing to do. So George usually kept Ringo busy so he "wouldn't get bored" It was a bit difficult on days Ringo was little while at the studio. He was used to having naps during the day, which means he was very tired at the studio.

It was four o'clock and they had been there since one. Ringo was getting a little fussy and tired and bored of the same games George always played with him.

Ringo crawled to the next room over to Paul, who was sitting at a table next to John, and sat down on the floor next to his chair. "Hold me, Paulie." He whined as he rubbed his eyes.

"Oh baby, I can't right now. I'm busy." Paul said sadly. He would love to hold Ringo, but he was busy at the moment.

"Hold meeee" Ringo said, wiggling with a pouty face. Paul gave up. He couldn't handle not giving his baby what he wanted.

"Oh, okay. What's the magic word Richie?"


"Good boy." Paul picked him up and sat him in his lap. Ringo sat there while he rubbed his eyes and put his head on Paul's shoulder.

"Is someone sleepy?" John asked as he started to pet Ringo's hair.

"I think so!" Paul said before giving Ringo a kiss on his cheek. "Isn't that right?"

"Mm-hm" Ringo replied as he hid his face in Paul's shoulder.

"It's okay, you can fall asleep right here on my lap while me and Johnny finish writing our new song. It's not like you were doing much anyway." Ringo was pleased by hearing those words. With in a few minutes, he fell asleep sitting on Paul's lap while resting his head on his shoulder.

A few moments later, George walked into the other room, curious as to where Ringo went. He saw Ringo fast asleep on Paul's lap, while John was rubbing Ringo's back. It was a precious sight. He walked over quietly so he wouldn't wake Ringo.

"Awwww, tuckered out, wasn't he?" George whispered to Paul.

"Yeah, he didn't have a nap today."

"Poor lad, you should have him go to bed earlier."

"I should," Paul agreed. "Oh, look at the time! It's time to go." Paul gently layed him on a nearby couch so he could help the others clean up.

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