georgie!! part iii

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George and Ringo sat in the living room playing with his toy cars. Ringo was showing George which cars were his favourite.

"This one is my favourite. It's red with flames on it, see?" Ringo said, giving his car to George.

"I like this one too. It's purple with green polka dots. It reminds me of you."

"It reminds you of me?" George asked.

"Yeah, I don't know why. It just does. You can have it."

"I can have it?"


"That is so sweet of you, Ringo. I'll make sure to keep this somewhere safe so I don't lose it. Now, let's go eat some biscuits." George said, picking up Ringo and carrying him to the kitchen. George picked up a biscuit and gave it to Ringo.

"Here you go, made with love." That made Ringo giggle before taking a bite of the delicious biscuit.


"Are they now? Let me try one." George grabbed a biscuit and ate it.

"Wow, those are good."

"I never knew you were such a good baker Georgie!"

"Am I a good baker?"

"Mm-hm." George could tell Ringo was getting tired. He started to rub his eyes and yawn.

"Is somone getting sleepy?" George asked. Ringo whined in response. "It's eight o'clock! I thought you wouldn't be tired."

"Wait! Will you be here in the morning?" Ringo asked.

"I'm sorry, honey pie. I won't be here in the morning. But I will be in the studio tomorrow!" Ringo frowned a bit at that.

"I want you to tell me a story." Ringo said.

"What's the magic word?"


"That's a good boy. Don't forget your manners." With that, George carried Ringo to the bedroom and tucked him in.

"What story do you want to hear?" George asked. He didn't know what Paul usually told him for a bedtime story.

"I wanna hear a story about Paulie and I." George that for a moment about how the story would go, then he told the story.

"Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Ringo, and another boy named Paul. They both loved each other very much, and they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. So, Paul asked Ringo to marry him. Ringo of course said yes. They scheduled their wedding and told everyone they knew to come. They were going to get married in a beautiful, magical forrest. All their friends came, John, George, Brian, their parents, and even some of the animals from the forrest. When they were getting married, Paul gave Ringo something special. He gave him another ring and said, 'hold onto this ring for the rest of your life, but hold onto my heart for infinity' They both lived happily ever after. The End~"

Ringo was fast asleep by the end of the story. George gave Ringo a kiss on the forehead and whispered, "Goodnight. I hope my fairytale comes true."

At midnight, Paul came home. He crept in quietly so he didn't wake Ringo up. George sat in the living room watching the tele.

"Hello George." Paul whispered as he went over and sat down next to George on the couch.

"Hey Paul." George whispered back.

"Thank you so much for watching Ringo. Was he any trouble?"

"He was an angel. He accidently spilled flour all over himself, but I took care of it. I gave him a bath and cleaned up the flour." Paul just laughed.

"Did you guys have fun?" Paul asked.

"Oh yeah. We played with cars and ate biscuits, and I even told him a story." They then heard small footsteps come from the hallway. They both looked and saw Ringo rubbing his eyes, holding his stuffed octopus.

"Paullliiieee" Ringo whined. He walked over to him and layed his head in his lap.

"How are you, little one?" Paul asked, stroking his hair.

"Tired." Ringo replied.

"Me too. Do you wanna say goodbye to Georgie?"

"Mm-hm." Ringo answered before crawling over to George and hugging him.

"Thank you for watching me, Georgie. I had fun." Ringo said tiredly.

"I'm glad you had fun, I had fun too." George replied. "Looks like I should get going. Bye bye guys!" George said getting up.

"Bye, George. Thanks again!" Paul thanked.

"Buh-bye" Ringo said with a yawn.

"I heard you were a good boy." Paul said after George left.

"Mm-hm. And Georgie is a really good cook."

"Better than Paulie?" Paul asked as he looked at Ringo with a fake pouty face

"No! I love Paulie's cooking too!"

Paul giggled "We should get to bed, don't you think?"

"Yes, Paulie." Paul carried Ringo (and his stuffed octopus) to their bedroom. He tucked Ringo in and got in beside him.

"Goodnight, sleep tight." Paul said, giving Ringo a kiss on the nose.

"Night night." Ringo said. After that, all that could be heard from both of them was small snores~

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