a day with eppy part ii

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Ringo woke with a yawn and a groan. Brian was so caught up in reading a book that he almost forgot about Ringo.

"Hello, Ringo. Did you have a good sleep?" Brian asked.

Ringo nodded. "Mhm" Brian decided to check his nappy, since he could have gone in his sleep. He was dry.

"Hold me please." Ringo said with
grabby hands. Brian knew he would ask for things, but not this. He picked up Ringo anyway and sat him in his lap.

"Like this?" Brian asked. Ringo nodded. He hugged Brian, "Eppy" he cooed sleepily. Brian had to admit, he liked taking care of Ringo. After all, he was dubbed by John 'the daddy' of The Beatles.

Brian looked at the clock. The hands pointed to 12:15. He looked down to Ringo, who was still sitting on Brian's lap and hugging him tightly. Suddenly, he heard a low rumble come from Ringo's stomach. "Is someone hungry?" Brian laughed. Ringo blushed at the sound his stomach made."C'mon cutie, let's get you some lunch."

Brian made Ringo's lunch, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with carrots. "Thank you, Eppy." Ringo thanked before eating his lunch.

After awhile, Ringo was really missing Paul, and it was showing. Brian wasn't the same as Paul. His hugs weren't as warm and cuddly as Paul's and he didn't make him feel as safe as Paul made him feel.

"Eppy?" Ringo suddenly spoke, breaking their silence. "How much longer is Paulie gonna be with Johnny?"

"After dinner." Brian answered. When Brian noticed that after he answered, Ringo looked upset and went back to playing with his wooden blocks. "You miss Paulie, don't you?" Ringo got a little teary-eyed and nodded. When Brian saw this, he got on the floor, picked him up and sat him in his lap. Ringo buried his head in Brian's shoulder while he let him sway him side to side. "He'll come back, I promise."

Ringo lifted his head off of Brian's shoulder. "Will you play wif me until Paulie comes back?" He asked.

"Of course, darling. That's what i'm here for." They played with toy cars and even had a tea party with his stuffies. It wasn't like the times when he and Paul played, but Brian still made it fun.

Around noon, they heard a keys jingling outside the door. Ringo jumped up and shouted, "Eppy! Paulie's here!!" A few seconds later, Paul walked in with a huge smile on his face, happy to see his little boy again. Ringo hugged Paul so tight Paul thought he was going to explode. "I'm so glad you're back, Paulie."

"You missed me, didn't you baby?"

"Very much yes." Ringo replied, still holding onto Paul tightly.

"Thank you Bri for watching Ringo. I know he can be a handful." Paul thanked once he was free of Ringo's tight grasp.

"Anytime Paul. You know i'm just a phone call away if you ever need anything," Brian said. He checked his watch, it was almost nine. "Looks like I best be on my way, it's getting late."

"Night night, Eppy." Ringo said, waving goodbye.

"Bye boys, i'll see you tomorrow!" With that, Paul and Ringo were left alone in their cozy home.

Paul picked up Ringo and started to carry him to their bedroom. "Were you a good boy for Eppy?" Paul asked.

"Mhmm.." Ringo nodded as he slowly started to fall unconcious. They soon reached their bedroom. Paul layed down Ringo ever so gently as if he were made of porcelain. He tucked him in, (with his stuffed octopus of course) climbed in with him, and gave him a goodnight kiss.

"Goodnight my little drummer boy."

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