sickies part ii

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A few hours later Paul had woken up. He practically almost beat up George when he wouldn't give Ringo to him. George insisted that it was no problem and that he could take care of Ringo all by himself, but Paul thought otherwise.

"Is my baby boy feeling any better?" Paul asked Ringo as he picked him up and craddled him in his arms. He shook his head. Ringo really wasn't feeling any better. His stomach still hurt and his skin was boiling.

"Let Paulie take care of you." Paul cooed as he carried him to their small bathroom to get a wet towel to put on Ringo's head. He put the washcloth on Ringo's forehead and watched him sigh as the coldness touched his steaming skin. "Now let's get you back to bed so you can rest." He knew Ringo wouldn't want to rest, but it was the only thing they could do to help him.

Paul brought Ringo back to their bed and tucked him in tight. He pressed the cold washcloth to his head and caressed his messy brown moptop. "Paulie, i'm scared. I heard Georgie and Johnny talking about me going to the doctor. I don't wanna go to the doctor." Ringo told Paul, trying his hardest to keep in his tears. Just talking about the topic made him want to cry.

"Listen to me doll, to be honest, I don't think you even need to go the doctor. It's probably just a nasty cold, I get those all the time." Paul assured. "All you need is rest and some tender loving care."

Paul went to the kitchen to see George  and John sitting at the table. He took a seat next to Lennon. They weren't doing much, George was binge eating and John was just twidling his thumbs. "Is it bad to say this is a nice break?" George asked.

"In a way, yeah," Paul responded. "Not really, with Ringo being sick and all. But yeah, this is about the only time we get a break." John looked at Paul with a big goofy smirk on his face. "What?" Paul asked.

"D'you think Ringo will be better by tonight?" Paul slapped John upside the head when he asked the idiotic question while John howled with laughter.

"What the hell do you think?"  Paul shouted.

"Be quiet! You wanted Ringo to sleep, do you think he's gonna sleep with this ruckus?" George said. Paul stopped yelling at John.

"That's what I thought." John said still with that stupid smirk on his face.

Paul looked at John with an evil look. "I swear to god Lennon i'm gonna beat the bloody shit out of you when Ringo gets better."


After dinner, Paul checked up on Ringo. He woke him up by shaking him slightly. Ringo groaned as he woke. "Hey Paulie"

"Hey little Rings. Are you feeling any better?" Ringo shook his head.

"Lots. I wanna do the concert tonight." Paul couldn't believe this. He couldn't possibly be better already. And if he was being serious, then he definetly wasn't in littlespace.

"Are you being sarcastic?" Paul asked.

"No, i'm not. I really want to do the concert tonight." Oh.. that is not what Paul expected.

"I'm really sorry, I really am, but there is just no way you can do the concert tonight."

Ringo shot out of the bed. "What? Paul, i'm fine I really am please can we go to the concert."

"I know, I know, but we have already cancelled the concert. We can't just tell the public that it isn't cancelled anymore." Paul hated telling Ringo 'no'.

"Yes we can!!"

"I'm sorry, but we just can't. And i'm not gonna let you go because you can't just get well that soon. Let's just wait, and there's always tomorrow."

Ringo sighed. "Fine.."

"I saved some soup for you." Paul handed Ringo the bowl he brought with him. "Sorry it isn't homemade, George and John brought back some leftover from when they went out earlier."

"It's okay." Ringo said as he took the soup and started to eat it. "Why didn't you go with them?" He asked.

"Because I had to stay here with you. I didn't want you to wake up alone." Ringo smiled, for some reason. It was little things Paul did that reminded him that he loved him.

"I love you, Paulie."

"And I love my little Rings." Paul said back with a smile. And it was little things that got Ringo back into littlespace.

A/N: omgggg after like 1,000,000 years i published this. sorry for the long wait lovies. i hope you liked this chapter and if you want me to continue this leave me some ideas for me to write. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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