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One morning, Ringo woke up amd couldn't find his paci. His paci was his comfort item. He panicked as he looked frantically around the room for his paci. Maybe Paulie can help me find it He thought.

He went downstaires to find Paul drinking coffee and reading the news.

"Hello, baby! Did you sleep well?"

"Mm-hm," Ringo said. "Paulie, I need to tell you something."

"What is it, pumpkin?" Paul asked pulling him into his lap.

"I lost paci!!" Ringo said tearing up.

"It's alright, i'll help you find it. It couldn't have just got up and walked away. That would be silly!" Paul said, earning a little giggle back. So they went to go look for his paci.

They looked under the couch and chairs, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, everywhere. They couldn't find it anywhere!

"We'll never find it!" Ringo sobbed.

"Yes we will, it's gotta be somewhere. Maybe we should call John and George and see if they'll help us. Does that sound like a good idea?" Ringo nodded. So Paul called John and George. They said they would be happy to help them look.

While they waited, they coloured pictures. Paul drew a sheep dog (he really wanted one) and Ringo drew his paci. He missed it so much. He tried replacing it with his thumb, but Paul wouldn't allow him to do that because "it was nasty" He's one to talk He thought.

There was a knock at the door. "Who's that, baby?" Paul asked Ringo. When they opened the door, in walked a cheerful John and George.

"Hello!" They said in unison.

"And hello to you!" George said picking up Ringo and bouncing him in his arms. Even though Paul didn't like to admit it, he got a little upset when George took Ringo from him.

"I hear someone lost there paci." John said. Ringo pouted a little, remembering he didn't have his paci.

"It's alright darling, we'll find it," John soothed. "You just sit down and colour until we find it."

When John and George looked in any spot, Paul just said 'Already looked there' with a sigh.

"Hey, Paul? Did he go to sleep with it?" George asked. Paul never thought about that.

"I, uh, never even thought about that." They went into Paul and Ringo's shared room and as if George knew exactly where it was, he lifted up a pillow to reveal his paci. Paul stood there with a dumbfounded look. They took his paci and brought it to its owner.

"Hey, Ringo? Guess what I have?" John pulled out his paci and showed it to Ringo. His eyes instantly lit up like a Christmas tree.

"PACI!!" He yelled. John put it in his mouth and Ringo sucked on it.

"Thank you guys for finding it!" Ringo thanked.

"Well, it was actually George who found it, but you're welcome!" Paul said.

"Yeppers! Your uncle Georgie found it! Yes he did!" George baby-talked while he sat down next to Ringo and hugged him tightly. Paul had enough.

"Yeah, and if I hadn't called them, we wouldn't have found it!" Paul was jealous of me? George thought.

"Well gee, Ringo, maybe I should come over more often!" George fought back. This amused John. He just sat back and watched.

"Are you guys fighting?" Ringo asked. Paul and George just looked at each other.

"No, of course not!" Paul lied.

"Oh, okay. I'm glad I have my paci back." Ringo said.

"Yeah? I'm glad too, baby." Paul said. Oh boy, he had to thank George and John for helping. He didn't even wanna imagine what would happen if Ringo didn't have his paci back by now.

"Thank you John and George, for helping find his paci." Paul thanked.

"Anytime. Bye bye, Ringo!" George said.

"Bye, Ringo!" John said. Then they left.

"So what do you want to- oh." Paul began, but Ringo was already fast asleep sucking on his paci.

𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖔 // 𝖒𝖈𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖗Where stories live. Discover now