chapter 3

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I didn't have time to leave the call that I was in with Wilbur and tubbo before my dad come bursting thru my bedroom door I saw the sickening grin on his face as he took a step closer to be I could feel my stomach drop and I felt like my feet had been rooted into the ground, i couldn't move. He looks mad, what did I do??? I keeping thinking trying to find out why he looked so mad at me, then it clicked.

he took another step closer to me and told me to walk the rest of the way to him, I did what he asked me to do. my hart would beating faster and faster and I couldn't slow it down. I stopped right in front of him "where didn't you go today tommy? don't bother lying to me because I already know." he looked me dead in the eyes. I could smell the alcohol coming out of the drunk mans mouth. "I-I-I couldn't go, I had nothing to cover up the b-bruises on my arm that you gave me last night, I-I used up the last on my foundation yesterday and I c-couldn't go to the shop because mum wanted me back s-straight after school." i said trying not to look week in front of him, trying to control my breathing "why didn't you go shop before school today?" he said. at this point i was shaking uncontrollable not knowing what to do or what to say "i have no money i gave the last to you to help with the bills..."

he looked at me with fury in him eyes ive not seen his this mad i ages. he shoved me against the wall as my back hit it i felt the air rush out of my body as if i had been winded. i fell to the ground and i see his feet right in fount of my face. i felt something shove into the side of my stomach, i started coughing uncontrollably. "are you saying its my fault that YOU missed school today?" he said as i was still coughing on the floor. "no sir" i somehow managed to say, i was too scared to tell him that my friends could see and hear everything that was going on and everything that his farther was doing to him they could see, if he found out about that he probably wouldn't every walk again knowing his farther.

they probably didn't even care anyway, they where probably laughing at how week his was falling over after only one shove, coughing so much after only one kick? i was so week. "get up now" he said and i did it not wanting this to get any worse then it already was. i didn't want Wilbur and Tubbo to see this and tell everyone else how week i am then they all leave me, it was bound to happen at some point but not today, i wasn't ready for it to happen to my today i needed them, they are the only reason i'm still alive right now.

i stud up and felt his arm against my neck strangling me, i was used to it, i dissevered it after all, y dads right i am week. "ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT YOU'RE WEEK AND WORTHLESS!" he carried on "EVERYTHING I'VE DONE TO YOU, YOU DESERVED IT! SAY ITS MY FAULT THAT YOU DIDN'T GO SCHOOL TODAY I DARE YOU!" he shouted at me tiers started to roll down my face i didn't say anything, i couldn't breath "i cant breath" i stuttered "please"

he let go of my neck and i fell to the floor my eyes locked with a piece of dirt on the floor not looking at my dad, i'm too scared to. "you're week, you're nothing, you're worthless" he grabbed my hair pulled my head and made me look at him, i see his fist coming towards me and i just accept it there's nothing i can do to get away from this man no matter how much scared me i couldn't leave him, he start beating my mum and i cant have that, i feel the impact of his fist with my nose, it starts to bleed, i heard my bedroom door slam as he left i break down into sobs from the pain not knowing what to do, i cant go to the bathroom to get a towel for my bloody nose because of my dad who know what would happen if he saw me again tonight. i stud up and went to get a t-shirt to use to stop the bleeding of my nose and it sorta worked but not the best but it was better then nothing, i heard faint shouting it sounded like me name..

OH SHIT! i forgot about the call with Tubbo and Wilbur what was i going to say to them? i cant let them see me like this! i sit down at my deck quickly turning off my camera and i put my headphones back on. i hear crying "Tommy? are you okay?" i heard Wilbur say "who was that Tommy?" he said, i couldn't hear Tubbo though, i check to see if he's still in the call but he's not. "oh hey Wilbur, don't worry about it" i said in between sobs and breaths "Tommy its okay, i'm here for you but i need you to tell me who was that?"


hey guys i hope that you liked this chapter i think there going to be at least 30 in this series ive got a really good idea about where to take this book and what i want to put into it the next chapter might be a bit sad so just a pre warning it,ll be out either later today or tomorrow hope you guys like it! if you have any idea about what to put in the book let me know! :)

1008 words

new home जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें