chapter 32

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me and tubbo where sitting at the island counter he has in the kitchen while eating some breakfast, me some fruit and him a bowl of cerial. we where just chatting about streaming, our friends, video games, movies, you know? just normal teenage things to talk about, well that was until i remembered that apparently wilbur was blowing up tubbos phone last night.

"what was wil saying to you last night?" i asked him as he was putting putting bowls into the sink to be washed up later, "ill tell you but your not allowed to be mad at him okay?" i was starting to get courious now, what couldve been so bad that i would get mad at him? "thats fine, i wont" i said confodently "here" he said handing me him phone. I scrolled up to where the messages started from last night

Make sure Tommy eats something.

I don't like him with you.

I don't trust you with him after the hospital and you know this.

When he gets back home, where he should be, you can no longer see him.

I what him home tomorrow, at 1pm

Any later im coming to get him.

What was I supposed to do? He can't do this, I need tubbo in my life and wil has no right to take him out of my life, I looked up and tubbo with tears in my eyes, this is probably who he was so quiet last night after the texts messages.

"Tubbo.. I can't go back to wilburs house, simple as that, I can't lose you" I said to him trying my hardest to keep in my tears "Tommy mate, you have to, where else will you go? You saw what he said, if your not back by 1pm he's coming here, you have to" he said, he also had tears in his eyes

Then I had an idea

What if I left? Didn't come back? I had enough money with all the streaming I've done, I've saved lots of it and I definitely have enough to get a flat somewhere else, away from wilbur, and the house that my parents lived in, I would be safe

"Tubbo, what if I ran away? Away from all of this? I just leave, get on a train to London, rent out a flat, I have the money, and legally I can because I'm 17, nearly 18, tha way I could still talk to you as well." I said looking at him dead in his eyes.

(Tubbo POV)

What? What is he thinking? He can't just leave? He needs someone to be with him, make sure he doesn't go off the rails again, make sure he's safe and okay, make sure he eats, looks after him self and all of the sort of stuff

"What are you on about Tommy? You can't just leave!" I said, we where both looking at each other in our eyes, his slightly scarier, he has no facial expression. "Like you say I have nowhere to go to, and no why in hell as I going back to wilburs." "Are you being serious about this Tommy?" I asked deadpan "yes, yes I am, I'm not going back, I can't, not after all of that"

Then I had an idea, if he's being serious about all of this, and if he needs someone to go with him, why don't I? My parents won't mind as long as I tell them where I am going to be moving to, they won't care as long as I'm safe and stuff like that, I might as well, at least then I mow he will be eating and be being safe. "Then I'll come with you." I said to him, I watching his face change from expressionless to slightly confused "y-you will come with me? Why?" He asked "well your gonna need someone to make sure your safe and stuff like that so I might as well be that person, and no way in hell am I going to let you go by your self."

He looked like a kid on Christmas, he was so happy I could tell easily, "r-really?" He sounded like it as well "yes really! We better start packing though because if wil is being serious about coming here then we gotta leave soon, it's only 9am but we gotta find a place as well." U said as I checked the time on my phone "I'll ask farther dearest if he can drive us to where ever we're going to save money instead of going on the trading plus this way we can take more stuff with us as well" i said and looked back at him, he just kept on looking at me in awe, he was so shocked I could've taken a picture honestly.

"I- okay then, well I only have my overnight stuff so I'll buy some more stuff when we get there, what should I pack your stuff in?" He asked, "well until you get more things you can use some of my stuff, the clothes might be a little too small tho- I'll go get some boxes and ask farther if he can, you wanna start looking for an appointment somewhere?" I said sounding excited "oki sure thing!"

There's probs gonna only be 1-3 more chapters left in this book!!! Hope you guys have enjoyed it!

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