Chapter 33 (final chapter)

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(Tommy's POV)

I can't believe tubbo said he's gonna come with me! I'm so happy that he is, for the first time in years, I feel like things are starting to look upwards for once.

I loaded up tubbos PC and started looking online for some 2 bedroom apartments In London that we could move to, after a few minutes I found this really nice apartment that would suit us both perfectly

It was a nice and spacious apartment and it was already furnished, it only costs about 10k a month, I could pay that, with all the money from twitch and if I also continue streaming then we should be alright!

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It was a nice and spacious apartment and it was already furnished, it only costs about 10k a month, I could pay that, with all the money from twitch and if I also continue streaming then we should be alright!

"Hey Tommy! Farther will take us to the new apartment, did you find one yet?" He said walking into the room "yeah come here and look at this one, I really like it and it's only about 10k a month!" I said sounding excited "omg Tommy! That's perfect! Yes get that one!" He started "also I got us some boxes for all the stuff so we can begin packing now before wil comes..." he sounded a little bit sad towards the end of it, "oki that's fine.. I'll go get started on it after I've booked this apartment for us to have" I said and we walked off and started packing while I called up the owner to get the place sorted out

(Time skip until after they have packed up)

Everything is in boxes, clothes, PC's, everything is all packed up. I take out my phone as I sit on the big sofa tubbo has in his living room thingy and check the time, it's currently 12pm, 1 hour until wilbur would be coming round to try and find me, little does he know I wouldn't be here when he turns up, I would be on my way to London.

Tubbo walks into the room from the kitchen because he was packing up stuff in there and sits on the sofa pulling his phone out as well, he had gotten 2 text messages from 2 different people, 1 from his dad saying that we can leave in 10 minutes, and the other from wilbur saying he was leaving in 10 minutes if i wasn't back at his house

I don't get what is up with wilbur if I'm being honest, I get to chose who I'm friends with, not him or anyone else. Me and only me no one else.

"We better get going now before wilbur comes, you ready Tom's?" He said looking at me excited "yeah let's go!" I said back to him

We got into the car and set off to the new flat..

(30 minute time skip)

Out of no where tubbos phone started to ring and he started to get a bunch of texts out of nowhere, I took his phone and answered one of the calls

"What  do you want Wilbur?"
"Tommy? Where are you? Are you still with tubbo?

"Yes I am, I'm leaving"

"What do you mean your leaving Tommy?"

"I'm leaving with tubbo, we're not coming back"

"What do you mean? Tommy you can't leave, you cant"

"I am and you can't stop me, I've already left"

"Tommy, no, come back right now"

"No, I won't, you tried to take tubbo, I saw the texts you can't deny it"

"It was for your own good Tommy, you gotta understand that"

"Goodbye Wilbur"

Before he could respond I had already hung up the phone, I had a few tears rubbing down my face and I couldn't tell if they where happy for sad tears, maybe they where both? I couldn't tell anymore. I was just so happy to leave but sad at the same time

After a while we had arrived and started to unpack all the stuff with the help of tubbos dad

We had finished unpacking and tubbos dad bid fair well to me and tubbo and we sat down and watched a movie, this was a good choice 1 had made today

(Time skip a few months)

I walked into the apartment with the weekly shopping, as I was on shopping this week. I turned 18 and I've got my drivers license, and me and tubbo both put money towards getting a car for us to share.

I decided I would start making dinner as tubbo was streaming, I put some pasta into a pan and started boiling it, I then put some chicken nuggets on, then after the pasta had boiled I emptied out the left over water in it and put in the pasta sauce, once it was ready I divided it onto mine and tubbos plate, his with a little extra then mine, and took it into the office room.

Tubbo finished his stream and we sat there watching TV in the office room while eating our food.

Sometimes I miss Wilbur but then other times I don't, I'm happy we left, I'm happy I don't live with him anymore, I'm happy me and tubbo both blocked him, sometimes our friends like ranboo, dream and philza sometimes say that wils asking about us but they won't say anything about us to him as they know we are trying to keep him away from us

Ranboo was meant to be coming to stay with us in a few weeks, that should be pretty fun! I can't wait for that!

Things out finally looking up, this is my new home, this is tubbos new home, this is now

Our new home

The end

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