chapter 6

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(Mild anxiety/panic)
(By the way it's up to you but if you would like to later in this chapter is says when Tommy starts to listen to this song so if you wanted to wait until it says when he start to listen to it just to get the feel of you know what I mean)

I opened the door expecting to see my parents and expecting to get yelled at for taking so long to get to the door to let them in. instead what I was greeted with was something completely different from that but two police officers with a sorrowful look in their eyes.

"hello, are you Thomas Simons?" said one of the officers.

"yes I am? is everything okay? what happened? I said questioning them.

"i'm officer Davis and this is my partner officer woodman" the second officer said looking at me

officer Davis was a small woman who looked about 5ft 4 unlike officer Woodman who was towing over her and he look like he was about 6ft officer Davis and blond hair that stopped just below her shoulders and officer Woodman had short brownish-black hair

"are we able to come inside for a moment?" officer Davis said to me

"yes, sure" I said as I moved out the way of the door so they could come inside, I went into the kitchen as they followed me we all sat around the kitchen table as officer Woodman started to talk

"we have something to tell you Thomas..." he said looking at me dead in my eyes "its about you're parents they-"

"they what? are they okay?"

"yes there fine but we have been looking for them for a few day now and we found them both in a pub down in the town canter and we have had to a-arrest them both" officer Davis said stuttering a bit

"what? why?!" I said with a slight level of concern in my voice even though I was happy that they couldn't touch me anymore but they are still my parents and I still love them

"we where sent 2 different videos by 2 different people showing something that happened over a video call I think It was the other day and it was of you and your farther and after close inspection we decided it was the best thing to do," officer Woodman said in a calming voice

who would've sent them? then I realised that the only people who know are Tubbo and Wilbur but they promised they wouldn't tell anyone though? Why wouldn't break there promise to me would they? " who sent then to you? can you tell me that?" I said as tears started to come down my face, I don't know why i'm crying i'm happy that their gone, they finally got what they deserved

"I believe there names are William Gold and the other video came from someone called Tubbo Smith" officer Davis said looking at officer Woodman then back at me.

"oh.. w-what happens next then?" I said stuttering as I was shaking a bit, my anxiety building up inside me

"well usually because of your age and the fact that you're still a minor we would have to ask you if you have any family that live in the area but, we asked your parents and they said that you don't, is that true?" officer Woodman said to me

I just sat there and shuck my head signalling that they where telling the truth, "the closest thing I have to a family now is Wilbur.."

"Wilbur? who's Wilbur?" officer Davis said reaching for my hand as it was now shaking uncontrollably. as soon as I felt her touch against my hand my whole body flinched

"W-Wilbur is William who you where talking about, he prefers to be called Wilbur" a said still shaking trying my best not to stutter

"oh.. do you by any chance think he would let you stay with him for a few weeks? just until we figure everything out?" officer Davis said

"oh um.. I d-don't know, I-I would ring him and a-ask him if you want me to?" I keep shaking and stuttering at the idea of living with Wilbur, I didn't want to cause him any sort of trouble or anything of cause, and I didn't want to make him feel like he had to either

"okay, if you can go call him then that would be great!"

ring, ring, ring, ring, ring ring

no answer, of cause he didn't pick up its nearly 2am

I heading back into the kitchen because I was upstairs in my room when I tried to call him about half way down the stairs I get a text message saying 'don't go to Wilbur, im watching you' just after I read this I get an incoming call I wasn't expecting the noise of my ring tone so I jumped back as it made me jump.

I answer the call and I hear a sleepy Wilbur on the other side of the call sounding like I had just woke him up "T-Tommy? what you? why you calling me so late?" he said in a concerned yet really teird voice

I feel the tears running down my face as just as he spoke just then it all hit me, Wilbur and Tubbo betrayed my trust, I wasn't going to see any of my parents for a long time and when I do it'll be to see them in caught,the text message from that anonymous person and the police officers looking up the stairs at me with a look of worry in there eyes.

"Tommy? are you okay?"i heard Wilbur say which snapped me back into reality and at this point I didn't relies how much I was crying "w-will I-I need- can I come stay with y-you for a bit? p-please will?" "yes of cause you can Tommy, but do you mind telling what us going on?" "I-I cant right now ill be there soon, t-thank you will."i grabbed my phone and my phone charger some clothes and some other stuff I might need while i'm at his house. my phone was blowing up with messages from will asking if I was okay I just responded by saying I would be at his house in 45 minuets since it was a long drive a way. I gave wills address to the officers and we got into the police car that they had came to my house in, I put my music on using my headphones that I grabbed as well and started playing "road trip by dream ft PMbeta" i could feel my eyes getting heavier as we went on our way to wilburs house.


I got woken up to the sound of my phone ringing, it was Tommy, why was Tommy calling me at 2am? As I was thinking the call finished a sat up and called him back straight the way later and made sure he was okay but he just asked if he could stay at my house pf cause i said yes, he's like my little brother! He ended the call and he wouldn't tell me what was wrong. Now I'm panicking, I start texting him non stop asking him what's wrong but he just doesn't reply


on the way to Wilburs house, Tommy sat in the back seat of the police car with his head against the window his phone was blowing up the whole way to Wilburs house, he looked down at his phone because he noticed a text message from unknown saying

you fucked up going with them, you should've stayed at the house

Tommys hart began racing and he began shaking thinking about who it might be, he thought about showing the police but he couldn't, he didn't want to trouble them more then he already had done, little did Tommy know he should've told the police then and there...

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Got a lot more plans for this story hope you guys are enjoying it so far and if you guys have any suggestions let me know by commenting! Don't forget to rate the book as well it'll mean a lot to me! Can we all take a moment to just appreciate how good road trip is my dream!? I didn't even know he was releasing it until I saw it trending on Twitter! It's so frickin good! I'm obsessed with it, still no face reveal tho maybe that next? 🤔

(1448 words)

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