Chapter 10

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(Meeting of throwing up,anorexia,(kind of) mentions of abuse)

*Wilbur POV*

I'm my walked off into the house and Tommy left me to go to his bedroom to sleep , at least that's what he said he was doing, i couldn't help but worry about him but i cant do that right now i need to find out what happened with him and Tubbo. They are usually so close to each other, why was Tommy mad at him? What could Tubbo have done that was so bad to make Tommy so mad at him?

Wait until i hear Tommy I shut his door in his bedroom then i make my way outside to where i had left Tubbo standing outside in the front garden of the house, i walked over to him, he had a confused and worried look on his face.

"Is Tommy okay? I feel really bad"

"He's fine but what happened?"

"I pushed him too far Wilbur, I'm so sorry, i don't know what to do he-"

"Tubs, calm down okay? He's alright, he's asleep right now, everything's going to be fine okay"

"How do you know that though Wilbur?"

"You know dream techno and Phil? There all coming tomorrow, so tonight you can stay here if you like"

"T-thanks Wilbur"

"Let's try have a good night tonight because i feel like a lot of shit is gonna go down within the next few days"

"Why what's going to happen?"

"I better not say yet incase I'm wrong i don't want to worry you"


"What happened when you found Tommy?"

"It's a long story"

"Come inside and tell me"

We head inside after talking outside for a few minuets of talking outside, we walk over to the kitchen and i offer him a drink and make us both a coffee each and w go over it eh sofa and sit down

We watch TV for about 1 hour then Tubbo who had the TV remote at the time and starts to talk, this time it sounded serious

"Tubbo why did you pause the TV?" I asked

"I need to tell you something that happened earlier today after i found Tommy"

"O-okay? What happened"

"Well after i got off the phone to you i went back in and Tommy went missing"

"Okay? He's back ow so what the big deal?"

"The thing is... UGH i feel like I'm betraying him by telling you this"

"Then don't tell me, but if you feel like you should, then tell me, don't feel like you're betraying him"

"No Wilbur, the thing is, i need to tell you, so you can help him, but he asked me not to tell you, so i don't know what to do."

"Well, just tell me and i wont tell him that you told me unless i have to okay?"

"Um... okay i guess... well when i got off the phone to you after I kind Tommy at Neros, he went missing"

"Okay...? What happened next?"

"Well he wasn't really missing he was in the bathroom"


"He was throwing up..."

"Is he okay? Why was he sick?"

"The thing is he was making himself sick...."

"What? Are you sure Tubbo? Why was he doing that?"

"Yes wll, I'm sure, he told me he was, but he also asked me not to tell you about it, but i couldn't keep this from you"

"No Tubbo. I'm glad that you did, you did the right thing telling me, why was he doing it tho?"

"When I asked him he yelled at me and just told me to leave him alone"

"It's okay Tubbo, don't worry, everything will be okay."

I sighed, Tubbo put the TV back on and i began to think. what do i do next? Should i address him about it? Or should i keep it on the down low? I don't want to make him mad again because last time he just left... ill just wait for after the others have gone because they will be here tomorrow and i don't want to ruin this for Tommy, it might make him happy seeing everyone.

He also has school in 2 days time because it'll be Monday, school seams to be fine for him plus, he has Tubbo there as well so he should be fine, i can help him get thru this, i have to....

*Tommy POV*

I wake up and i can hear the TV on in the living room I'm guessing that is was woke me up because it was so loud, i debating whether or not to message Wilbur to turn the TV down or just go out there, ill just message him, i cant be bothered for him to rant at me about how I shouldn't have walked out of the cafe.

Hey will could u turn the TV down its very loud
Seen 17:36

Did he just leave me on seen?

I hear a knock on my door I'm guessing its Wilbur, "yeah? Come in" i see a tall figure walk in and sit on the end of my bed, i was correct it was Wilbur, "hey toms, you okay? Tubbos here if you wanna see him for a bit?"  He said to me as he was sitting there running him hands thru his hair, "not yet ill come out in a few minutes"i said "let me just get some different clothes on" "okay that's fine see you in a few minuets"

I wanted to go back to sleep but i was too awake now to go to sleep and knowing that Tubbo was here waiting to speak, i didn't want to leave him waiting i jut wanted to get this over and done with, i watch as Wilbur walks out of my new room that he gave me, the door lock still broken from when he kicked the door down but it can still close, when he left i got up and got changed out of the shorts i was wearing and put some joggers on but i kept the same white top with blue sleeves on

I need to either go back to my house and get my old clothes or go shopping but the problem with going shopping is that my parents took all of my money so i would probably have to go back and face my past at my old house, its going to happen at some point so i might as well go tomorrow plus i need more clothes i don't really have any.

Time to go face the music with Tubbo i guess...

Sorry this chapter is shit, it was rushed so i had to think of it quick, It's gonna get better so please stick around and if you feel like it and if u like the story so far feel free to comment and vote! Alsooooooo we have hit hit 1k reads!!! Thank you guys soooo much it means a lot to me! And we're also we are No. 1 on the tag Oneday so thank you guys soooo much!!!!

(1191 words)

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