Chapter 9

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(Throwing up,anorexia,self-harm mentions)

*Tommy POV*

(EDIT: this chapter just kinda went from 1 place to another so just act like i wrote the transition)

I'm sat here while Tubbo is on the phone to will and i gathered that he would be outside for a while talking to will about me and what ever else they had to talk about and i remember all that food I had eaten this morning at wills house, i started the hear the voices i would hear when ever i ate food,

'You're fat'
'You eat too much'
'You look ugly when you eat'
'Stop eating'
'You dont deserve food'

I could feel my breathing speeding up again, i ran into the bathroom of the coffee shop, shut the door behind me, i sat there a moment thinking of what would happen if i did this, what would Wilbur do, what would Tubbo do? Would they be mad at me? Would they send me away?

I shuck them out of my head and stuck 2 fingers down my throat and made myself gag, i could feel the food that i ate earlier today coming back up, so i did it one more time then waiting for a few second and then the food came up and into the toilet, i sat for a moment, just thinking, then i remembered, tubbo, SHIT! I need to back before he realises I'm gone!

Just then i hear a knock on the door.

"T-Tommy? Are you okay?"
"T-Tubbo?" I said shakily, i saw the door open a bit as he peaked his head in to see me on the floor next to the toilet, i forgot t lock the door... "Tommy? What happened?"
"Oh i-i-i" i stuttered a bit trying to think of an excuse "i must have ate something this morning that my stomachs didn't agree with" i said trying to force a smile on my face, i hated this so much, apparently the forced smile didn't trick Tubbo because he said "Tommy... you don't need to lie to me, plus i can tell when you lie, I've known you for ages, you can trust me okay? Just tell me what happened" i paused for a second looking at him, he dosent know that i know about the video he and Wilbur sent to the police i looked at him dead in his eyes "Toby. I'm fine okay lets just go back." I said in a cold voice. He knew i was being serious because i never called him Toby unless i was annoyed or mad with him i was getting annoyed because I wasn't ready to open up about this part of me to him or Wilbur yet

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