Chapter 8

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(Panic attacks, skaking)

*wilburs pov*

I wake up checking the time, its 6am, it was about 3:30am last night before i finally managed to get to sleep, i feel bad about talking to Tommy the way i did, ex specially because i have no idea what actually happened last night and why he's even here. I can here him talking to someone, who would he be talking to at 6am? It's too early for this "TOMMY KEEP IT DOWN!" I said as i turned over to go back to sleep, i wait for a few seconds for him to end his convocation but he dosen't, he's still talking.

i start to walk down to hall shouting his name as i start to get closer to his room, it sounds like he's started screaming and crying for some reason, what up with him?
I knock on the door but he just started screaming louder and louder, now I'm starting to get even more worried...

"Tommy? You okay in there?" I said trying to comfort him from the other side of the door, the screams are getting louder and louder, i try to walk in but his door is locked for some reason, i keep trying to open the door shouting or him to open it but he's just screaming at me to leave, I think for a minuet inking about what to do, i second that it. Would be the Best for me  to just kick the door open and worry about fixing it later, the door flung open, probably because i kick it as hard as i could,.

I run over to see Tommy sitting right up against the top of the bed struggling to breath, his phone starts to ring, someone called unknown? I ignore it and run over to Tommy sit next to him to try and calm him down i out my arms around him to comfort him "Tommy look at me okay? Try and breath for me, in... and out... in... and out... " we sit for about 5-10 minuets with him in my arms, i can feel him shaking uncontrollably, i sit there with him trying to help him slow down his breathing and he finally starts to slow down a bit.

"Tommy are you okay? What happened?" I said looking down at him,
"I'm sorry for waking you Will, i didn't mean to" he said, he sounded scared and worried when he said that i need to know what happened so I can help him next time it happened, if there is a next time that is.
"Tommy it's fine, but can you tell me why you started to panic?" I said in a concerned voice

*tommy's POV*

I froze up when I heard him say that, i don't know why I froze up, i guess i was just sacred,scared that if i told him he would laugh at me, or call me weak like my farther did, i cant go thru that again, all the abuse, all the shit he gave me over my life, all the stuff he called me, all the stuff my mother said to me, everything that has ever happened since it all started.

I noticed my breathing started spreading up again and my hands shaking even more again, luckily i noticed before will did so i managed to calm myself down in time. I cant tell him what's actually wrong, "oh it was nothing don't worry about it will" i said trying to seam as normalcy it even i could tell that my voice was every shaky as i said that. I didn't even realise that i head was resting on his chest until i looked up at him he was looking down at me with sorrowful eyes "Tommy... I've known you for years, i know when you're lying to me, what happened? Why where you screaming?"
He said looking at me, "will its nothing honestly" i said trying my best to convince him, "you can g back to bed if you want ill be fine will" "are you sure Tommy? I don't want to leave me unless you're going to be I fine, you like a brother to me, i care about you" "will ill be fine i promise you. Plus you need to sleep."

Will gets up and starts to leave the room But he stops and turns around to me and says "Tommy, if you're staying here for a bit we're going to need to make a few ground rues we'll sort them out tomorrow but one that I'm going to say now, no more locking doors okay? Because if something like this happens I'm going to need to be able to get in the room to help you, okay?" I think for a second, i don't really have a choice after hat just happened so i agree. After he walks out i sit up and grab my phone from the bottom of my bed, i saw i missed call from unknown who is this person and who do they keep texting me and calling me? Why me? What did i do to make them keep texting me? Should i tell will about it? No, i probably shouldn't, he's already worried about me as it is and i cant make him even more worried, i cant do that to him. I put my phone on charge, roll over and go back to sleep.

Sorry this chapter is so bad i tried my best, this was probably the worst chapter  i have written yet, btw this is purely platonic there only friends and nothing more, they have both made it clean that they are uncomfortable with that sort of thing. Sorry its a bit of a shorter of a chapter as well

(973 words )

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