chapter 31

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(at tubbos house, tommy's POV)

(SIDE NOTE- the lay out of the room is the same one as tubbos room extension IRL with ranboo)

we walk into tubbos extension that he got added onto his house not too long ago, he said that ranboo was meant to be arriving at his house in a few days time, Tuesdays to be exact. we had went to the co-op near his house to get some snacks for some of the movies we want to watch tonight before we got to his house

we got pringles, some chocolate bars, coke as i need to keep up my blood sugar so i dont pass out from low blood pressure, donuts, smarties and some fruit as well. he told me he doesn't care about how i much eat or dont eat tonight, i might try force myself to eat some fruit though.. i havent eaten in a while, tubbo probably doesn't know that but i know if wil tells him, he will make me eat more.

we set everything up on a leg rest thingy that tubbo has in the middle of the room and then we began to set up everything else, we decided we would do a stream before we started our movie night as it was only about 5, we would do a 'You Laugh, You Lose!' we set up the stream and hit start.

"WHATS UP CHAT? HOW IS EVERYONE?" me and tubbo yelled in sink "today we have a stream i think you will all enjoy planed, its a good old round of You Laugh You Lose!" i started "we have got 5 lives me and tubbo has, we sharing them! even if we laugh at each other it still counts as losing a life." "Turn on media share mods!" tubbo said/yelled

the stream only lasted for about 40 minuets, we couldnt stop laughing at eachother, this was the best i've felt in ages, i feel happy, genuinly happy for the first time in as long as i can remember. after the stream we turned off the PC and started getting ready for the movies

we decided on watching 'avengers - infinity war' and then 'avengers - endgame'. 

i grabbed my bag off the sofa and went to the bathroom to go and get changed into my jarmers, which where just plain grey joggers and a plain black t-shirt with a black hoodie as well, i left the bathroom because tubbo wanted to get changed into his jarmers now as well so i went to sit in the sofa while i wait for him to come out.

(time skip - 1 hour)

i look over at tubbo as i keep hearing his phone going off, for the post 10 minuets, alli can hear in DING, DING, DING and so on so on, its starting to get a little bit annoying, who could want to get his attention so much there spamming him this much? i watch him pick up his phone and start texting this weord person back, i just want to watch a movie with my best mate, is that too much to ask for?

"tubbo man, just put your phone on 'Do Not Desturbe or something" i said while looking at him, but him not taking his gaze off from his phone. "yeah, sorry, its wil, he's just telling me something , thats all, dont worry" what dose that mean? whats will telling him? "what he saying?" i asked him. "its nothing, dont worry about it okay? lets just have a good night tonight."  he said putting his phone into his pocket "ill tell you in the morning dont worry,"

i just hummed back, what else am i so post to do? theres no point in trying to get it out of him, because i know he wont give it up so i wont even try,  i just want to watch this move and have a good noght, i want to be happy and feel like someone wants me around.

(time skip - next morning)

i wake up and hear the TV still playing in the background, still a marvel film, looks like its an iron man film.. we must have both fell asleep last night watching the movies, i look over at tubbo to see him still after sleep, i get up and go to the bathroom to get changed into my normal clothes.

i walk back in and see tubbo stirring in his sleep starting to wake up, i go back over and sit on the sofa on my phone waiting for him to make up, i should probably turn off the TV.. Nah its fine.

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