chapter 7

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*tommy's POV*

i arrived at wills house and officer Davis turned around to wake me up because i had fallen asleep in the back of the car "do you want us to walk to the door with you?" she said in a caring and understanding voice "no it'll be fine you guys can leave" i said as i got out of the car hoping will wouldn't see the car and start asking questions about why i arrived in a police car so i walked up to the door and knocked and Wilbur answer the door and let me in to his house,

it was warm and it had a nice homely feeling unlike my house which was always cold and dark, i guess his is where ill be staying for a bit now.

i watch the police car drive off then I shut the door behind me as I step inside wills house, i just feel like i want to cry and and scream for so many different reasons but the main one being that i'm scared of what will happen to me if my parents some how manage to get released or escaped.

i sighed as i closed the door, i turned around and looked at will and said to him "hey will, i just want to say-" "Tommy look, i'm tiered and i cant be bothered right now okay? i get that i might sound mean right now but to be fair you did just ring me in the middle of the night not telling me anything about what happened or why you are even here, so please, can we just go to bed and talk in the morning?" he said as he cut me off, i just nodded in response, i understood where he was coming from, "follow me i have a spare room this way" i followed him as he told me to, i never realised how big his house was, he was always said he had a big house with lots of room but i never thought it was this big, it was like a mini mansion.

"this is your room, you can unpack your things if you have anything to unpack, make sure you're up by 11 tomorrow morning we have some stuff to do now tomorrow, my room is the last room on the left okay if you need me at all tonight just come and knock on the door, night Tommy." he said as we stopped outside of one of the room doors. as he started to walk down the hall i went into my new room, it was painted 3 walls a creamy sort of colour and the other one a light grey colour. the door was almost 3 times as big as my old room, this room unlike my old room as a lot of floor space to walk around, a bathroom which was a decent size, a king sized bed in the middle on the room pushed up against the wall, 2 bed side tables either side of the bed, a big wardrobe, a mirror, a set of draws that i could put my clothes into and a office desk that looked like it used to have his old set up on it.

i drop my bag onto the floor locked the door to the room, i don't know why it just felt safer when it was locked, i drop my bag on the floor ill unpack it tomorrow, i put my phone on charge and i start to drift off to sleep...

*in tommys dream*

I'm back in my bedroom back in my parents house, I'm sitting in my bad, why am i here...? i look up and i see Wilbur, Tubbo, techno, Phil, dream, Sapnap, BadBoyHalo and George standing at the end of my bed covered in blood, my blood, "you did this to us Tommy" Wilbur said. "its you're fault that this happened" Sapnap said. "its your fault that where all dead Tommy," dream said. "why would you get us involved in you're drama Tommy?" techno said "its your fault you're farther killed us Tommy" BBH said "we never loved you Tommy, were hear out of pity for you, we pity you Tommy," Phil said to me "look at you're self Tommy you did this, this is your fault," George said.

i looked down at my shirt it was covered in blood but, it wasn't my blood, but it was my friends blood, i had killed them. i looked at my hand i had a knife in it, i looked back up at them they started walking out of my room as the all turned around one by one like they where NPC's, as they turned i was that they had all been stabbed in the back, i looked back at the knife in my hand and it was clean 1 moment ago but now it was covered in blood but not my blood but it was my friends blood,

i looked back up they had all left my room and locked the door as they went out, i started to panic, i started to breath extremely heavily as i could hear my farther shouting my name as he walked up the stairs to my room, the shouting was getting closer to my room and i could hear my friends laughing on the other side of my bedroom door. my farther yelling only kept on getting louder until he was right outside my room, my screams grew louder with every second and my breathing grew heavier with every second that has passed. my door handle started to move, it was my farther trying to get into my room, after about 10 seconds had passed of him trying to get into my room and my screams the loudest they had ever been, the door flung open

*end of tommy's dream*

*hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, sorry its so shit im writing this at gone midnight and im extremely tiered but i was really in the mood to write so i decided i wanted to do this so ya, so y'all enjoyed this.

BTW this chapter is not me sending hate to will or anyone else okay??????? i love all of them! they don't deserver hate! and if u start hatin on them... ARE YOU OKAY? WHY U HATIN????

(1065 words)

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