Chapter 19

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I hear my alarm go off I look over at the time 6:00am

Last night wasn't that great, after everything that happened and after Will and corpse spoke it got better but still, not great. I'm just glad he didn't try to force me into talking or anything and I'm glad that they spoke because if not I wouldn't have gotten my phone back.

Well i say he didn't try to make me talk to him, he said that we have to talk today and I agreed with him. As much as I don't want to talk to him about it, I know he won't drop it if I don't talk to him, I'll just tell him the bare minimum

I've got to go to school today which I'm not looking forward to, at least tubbo will be there with me.

I sit up for a minute and decide it get ready for collage. I walk I've got my wardrobe and grab some clothes, it looked like a sunny day today and I decided to grab a pair of black shorts and a plain white short sleeved shirt with a black jacket to put over it, i bush my hair into my usual style, bush my teeth because I've already decided that I don't want to eat this morning, after I'm ready I make my bad, open my window to get some fresh air in my room and I sit on my phone to pass the time, I go online to check my timetable for the day at school,

Period 1 - English
Period 2 - maths
Period 3 - media
Period 4 - geography
Period 5 - history

The day didn't seem too bad the only bad lesson is maths in my opinion, i the maths I can't stand it

I watch some YouTube videos while I wait for tubbo to get ready as it's only 6:45 and we have to leave here at 8 to get there at 8:40 because that's when coaching starts, i load up a jschlatt video and sit in my bad and wait for him to shout me so we can leave

Before we left will mad me take an apple with me to eat on the way there and told tubbo to make sure I eat it all, we talked about Minecraft, YouTube, school stuff and some other things on the way to school before we had to walk because will had to go and do something he said. We had coaching English and we sat next to each other in both of them, we talked for ages while we waiting for the teacher to come into the class room for English. Then we went our own ways because he had PE and i had maths and we agreed that we would meet the lunch hall at break.

In maths I didn't do much because I didn't really pay attention to the teacher while he was talking, he don't actually learn anything in that class anyway so I just sat there thinking.

After maths I went to the hall to meet tubbo, i walked In there and I saw him standing in the line to get some food so I walked over to him "hey Tom, u getting some food?" He said as i walked over to him "nah, ill get a drink though" i said to him hoping he wouldn't try to convince me to get food, lucky he didn't and we got our drinks

Tubbo left me to go and talk on the phone to someone and told me to wait by the hall entrance for him, well that was until I saw this one guy, he never liked me, every time he saw me he would make a comment about how skinny I looked or how I always wear long sleeves, and there has been a few times when he has tried to beet me up and stuff like that, i have to think of somewhere to go to and quickly, before he sees me


Shit, too late

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