chapter 35

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By the time, they finally played a song she recognized - albeit a remix, but still - Clementine realized she was grinding her jaw.

But at least, the dude that tried to grab her earlier must have gotten the message, seeing the two of them together - Clementine and Zico - and he didn't try to approach her again.

There were, however, other girls at the club. As limited as they were, they were still there, and Clemeinte did her best to not get jealous. In as strange way, though, she didn't feel jealous the way she usually would have. At that moment, she felt so sure of her and Zico that she wasn't even scared of anyone else coming between them.

Not even when a girl approached them and there was a strange exchange between her and Zico. He, however, made it clear that he was with Clementine. And when the girl left, he remarked;

"She was trying to come onto me," which was a little strange to Clementine at first that he had to say it even though she clearly saw, but she figured this was something she was going to have to get used to.

Then, as they were indeed - falling deeper and deeper into the music - Clementine was sweating and drinking her water bottle, sharing with Zico. It wasn't until he did another round of whatever was in his small plastic bag, that Clementine realized one of the reasons she was feeling so odd. Strange.

Good, but strange, was because she thought she was on drugs. Not intentionally, but who was to say there wasn't something in the water.

"Zico," Clementine, grabbing his arm, tried to get his attention. "Is there something in this water?" She asked him plainly.

He looked at her unexpectedly and at the water bottle.

"No," he began, but Clementine wasn't so sure.

"Tell me the truth," Clementine said to him, her tone changing.

"Okay, fine," Zico looked at her, at Clementine wondered how someone could be so under the influence and so normal seeming at the same time. She touched her head, feeling a headache coming on. "I know you wouldn't take any, so I wanted you to have a good time. You need to keep drinking though, or you'll get dehydrated."

Clementine, teeth grinding for many reasons, stared at him in between the lights flashing. She was angry. She was also beginning to feel scared. She hated losing control, and this was completely out of her control.

"I can't believe you," she let go of him, and walked away without another word.

She went up to the balcony area to go and sit down. There were a few people scattered around the area, at various stages of intoxicação.

She was suddenly feeling disgusted with herself and the place.

At first, she thought he just left her. She knew she left him, but she was half expecting him to at least come find her.

Finally, he did, and with a new water bottle.

"Here," he said handing her the bottle and sitting beside her, "drink this. Its just agua, eu juro." I swear.

She didn't know how to explain it. She felt good, but in an artificial way.

They were both sitting against a wall, on the planks that this club considered benches. Clementine put her feet up on the bench across, her feet aching from all the standing. Or at least feeling like they should be aching, but not really feeling like it.

They sat like that for a while in silence. Silence between them and in the sound.

"Look at all these people," looking around the room, Zico remarked, "This is really a lifestyle, isn't it? None of these people are going to be any use to society tomorrow."

Clementine didn't want to think about tomorrow.

She turned to look at him, thinking it was funny he was being so hypocritical. Realizing for the first time, that he had his own insecurities and fears.

This is what's going to ruin me, she thought, seeing the humanity in something so wretched.

She turned her face closer to his, and all fo a sudden, feeling an overwhelming feeling of love for everything and everyone, she had no way to express it except to kiss him.

He kissed her back, and suddenly there was an urgency to the kiss. Like they knew how little time there really was for them.

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