chapter 50

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'My mind is clear...'

Clementine was sitting in the garden, cross legged, trying to meditate.

But the silence was deafening.

She got up to check her phone. Nothing.

She looked at the clock, only half an hour passed. She could do this. Sit with her thoughts.

She went back into the garden, looking for some peace, but her internal state was too agitated.

Finally, she heard her phone ping from the room inside and she got up a little too quickly, feeling a head rush causing her to pause for a moment.

Picking up her phone, she saw his name in her phone as Z.

Somewhere in the North West of Brazil.

Then a moment later.

What have you been up to?

Was she blushing? Clementine was al little shocked at the effect he seemed to be having from here, even so many miles away. Speaking of, what was he doing in the north west of Brazil.

Clementine scanned her mind but could think of nothing relevant.

Looking around the room, Clementine thought to herself, what had she been up to?

Other than seeing a therapist and dreaming of him, not much. But she realized she couldn't tell him either of those things.

She was also disappointed, because it looked like she was going to have the empty house all to herself with no consequence. If he was still somewhere else in the country, the chance that he'd be back so soon was slim.

Sighing, Clementine decided to wait before she responded.

She also decided she would go to the beach.

Getting her beach bag ready, she let a good 10 minutes pass before picking her phone back up again.

Heading to the beach. How long you gone for?

Did she seem needy? Was she overthinking?

She finally left the house in the early afternoon, catching a cab to the beach club that her mother frequented and that she once went to with her.

But one she was there, she went on a very long beach walk from the beach club, bringing her past other clubs and into a more local area of the beach.

She was reminded suddenly of their night into the morning on the beach after the dance and how all their friends were there.

She realized it was actually that beach, once she saw the same lifeguard stand. She shook her head as if trying to shake the dreams out of her head.

She started to hate and love the thought that everything was starting to take form as it was in reference to him.

The beach that they were on. The streets that he held her hand on.

Walking back to the original club, there were two guys that were walking behind her and getting louder.

Clementine tired to casually look at them through her sunglasses. They were two buff, typically rich Brazilian machos.

Clementine tried to walk a little faster. They didn't seem a threat in the traditional kidnapping / robbing way but they seemed that they would be a nuisance either way.

Her intuition was right, because they suddenly ran up to her as if that was normal.

"Hey!" One of the guys said to her. He was wearing a red cap and red shorts. The other guy was wearing blue shorts and tank top, strange sunglasses.

"Hi," Clementine said quietly, walking on with her head down.

They were walking alongside her, and Clementine thought that maybe she should have stayed home. She would have been bored but out of trouble.

"We were just talking" the guy in the blue said, "and we hoped you wouldn't mind if we said you were cute."

Clementine looked at the both of them briefly and laughed. They were harmless enough.

"Which club are you going to?" The guy in red asked her.

She tried to estimate how much more until the beach club, and wondered if she should say the truth. She thought, it wouldn't hurt because she was close enough and at that point it'd be gated entry.

"Copa cabana," Clementine responded casually while walking. Her feet sinking into the sand.

"Us too!' One of the guys said, and Clementine wasn't expecting it. "Come hang out with us!"

They were nearing the club, and the guys were points to a group playing soccer by the water.

Clementine looked at her phone, no new messages.

"I guess I could, for a bit," she said with a little hesitation, and they sensed it.

"Don't worry," the red short guy said, "we won't bite."

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