Back to school

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It has been a few weeks since Donald and Della moved into the mcduck mansion and it has been quite  no craziness at all. Scrooge, Goldie, and opal are doing there best to help there niece and nephew to adjust to there new life. Opal tried to stay with them while they where at school and Scrooge and Goldie where doing there best to make the mansion feel like home but it has been hard on all of them both Scrooge and Goldie had stopped adventuring Goldie was helping Scrooge with his company and to his surprise Goldie was really good at Business and can tell when people are trying to swindle them.

Opal and the twins where walking up to the school this is the first time being in school since her aunt and uncle death not only that Della and Donald are going to a new school in the middle of the year. opal tries to stay close to them ever since what happened to her aunt and uncle dead and the twins moving in with them thinkings have been tense she liked that he mom was living with them personally but she hated seeing her father being so sad also della has been so quiet and Donald has been so quick to anger more so than usual.

As they entered the school opal lead them to the Front office to get there schedules and before they went there slept ways opal put her hands on the twins shoulder and looked them started into there eyes." Look guys I know this sucks, but we can get through this and if there is any trouble  just ask for me and your teacher will get me. Ok remember we ducks don't back down!" The twins gave her a weak smile the first one they gave her since there parents died.

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