lets do this

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Opal basikly dragged Della through the large mansion until the made it to Opal's room. The room had yellow walls with many different  maps of different places around the world, there where many different trinkets and books that she has gotten from her mother were neatly arranged in the big bookshelf, her bed was in the corner with light pink blankets and pillows, a purple dreamcatcher hung above her bed.

Della looked around the room in amazement. this was a step up from
The shared bedroom at the farm house. Della went over to the bookShelf a model of an old plain caught her eye she picked it up carfuly and got a closer it was bright red at the bottom of the wing was  nr-7592." Oh you like that my mother gave it to me when she was looking for the lost plan belonging to Amelia Quail heart"

Della jumped at Opal's sudden voice almost dropping the plan model she tournd around and so opal had her arms full with books and maps a twinkle in her eyes. " Who is your mother?" Della's mom never spoke about opals mother only that she and uncle Scrooge weren't married and is always lot around. Opal smiled. " Her name I'd Goldie o'gilt she and father has have completed relationship they both do love each other but mother can't stay in one place for long the call of adventure always gets to her but she always comes down for my birthday and holidays and  when she does she tells me about her Adventure and gives me something she has found alone the way." Opal sat down and placing all the things on the ground and then looked Della straight into her eyes. " So what do you want to lern first."

opal Goldie McDuckWhere stories live. Discover now