magica attacks

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It has been a week since Scrooge interested opal to his parents and Scrooge finally showed opal to the public and the press has been Savage asking questions about who Opal's mother was among other things.
Far off in the mountains a serten magical duck so the report she laughed maniacally as a plan formed
In her head.

Scrooge had brot opal to his office in the bin it was the only place besides the mansion and Scrooge didn't want opal to be cooped up in the mansion and lucky for him flintheart was not there at the moment. Opal was wearing little pink dress, her amulit, and her golden hair in a braid. Scrooge put opal into a little play aria in the corner of his office. " Ok lass you will stay here and be a good girl while do work ok." Opal gave her father a bright smile cluching her favorite toy a Phenix.

Scrooge was working for hours when sundinly he heard opal scream he turned around and Magica despell
Was there and she had opal in her grasp Scrooge glard at magica. " Let her go magica! She has nothing to do with this" Magica just laughed. " Oh Scroogey she is a McDuck so she dos so here's the deal you give me the dime and I will let this ugly creature go."  Scrooge looked a opal she was scard and she wanted her papa, he took off his dime from his neck and held it out. " Here take it and let her go." Magica used her magic to levitate the dime closer to her but as it was within her reach opal grabbed it instead. " You useless creature give it to me!" Magica yelled. " No!" Opal yelled and as magica was about to us her magic on opal Opal's amulet glow a bright red color and magica scremed in pain and throw opal Scrooge acted quickly and dove to catch his daughter. " What is that thing?, No matter this isn't the last time you will see me." Magica cloaked herself in smoke and disappeared Scrooge looked over opal for any injuries but she seemed fine she helped up her father's dime. " Dime!" Scrooge smiled and took it from her. " Thank you you were really brave little one looks like we need more magical defenses."

opal Goldie McDuckWhere stories live. Discover now