meeting the coshins

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Opal didn't know why her father had packed up there car and driving into the country she was wearing her favorite pink safari  shite  and and tan safari pants.  she could tell that they are not going to Grandma and Grandpa place cine father was in a good mood she still doesn't understand why father hated see Grandma and Grandpa.

" Papa where are we going?" She ask from the back seat of the car Scrooge smiled to himself. " We are going to see aunt Hortensia and uncle quackmore at Grandma's ducks farm" Opal was exited to she hasn't been to Grandma ducks farm before  she has heard of it whenever grandma duck Comes to visit.

When they finally came to the farm they were great by grandma duck aunt Matilda, and uncle Ludwig. Opal's had a huge smile on her face she ran out of the the car and hugged her family. " Hello my little gem how are you?" Grandma duck asked. " Great I'm so excited to be here but papa still hasn't told me why we are here?" Scrooge came up from behind them. " That's because it is a surprise little one." Papa started. " Follow us and you vill find out." Uncle Ludwig said.

She took her papas hand and let them led her tords the farm house when they got in she so uncle quackmore and aunt Hortensia and aunt Hortensia was holding two bundles of  something. " Scrooge Opal why don't you meet the two new members of our family Della and Donald Duck." Aunt Hortensia crouched down and she so two baby's in the bundles they were so small and Opal couldn't what to adventure with them.

opal Goldie McDuckWhere stories live. Discover now