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Della sat by herself in the playground she didn't have opal or Donald in her recess she didn't feel like playing right now. She does love her Uncle Scrooge and aunt Goldie as well as her cousin opal but she hasn't felt like herself since her parents died. She was just holding her toy plane usually would be running around the playground pretending fly but she didn't fell like it." Watch out!!"

Della jumped to the side of the tree and hears a crashing sound when she looked up she so a broken toys plane. red haired duck came running over to her, he Had on a blue cap, denim jacket, a purple shirt underneath, and teal shorts. " oh my god are you ok." The kid asked." Yes I'm fine." Della looked at the kids broken plane." I'm sorry about your toy." The boy just waved it away." It's fine this happens ass the time, oh I'm launchpad mcquack!" Della's eyes widened." Mcquack! Like in the flying Mcquack's!" Launchpad nodded vigorously." Yay! That's my parents I want to be like them when I grow up." Della smiled for the first time in a long time.

Launchpad so the plane Della had and gasped. " is that the sun chaser That is amazing it is really hard to get." Della looked at her toy." Oh well my uncle was got it for me." She didn't what to elaborate since he got it after her parents death. Della looked at launchpad ruined toy plane and back at hers." Well since your plane is busted we can both play with mine." Launchpad face Brighton immediately and the two of them started running and throwing the plane luckily the sun chaser is really durable because every time he throw it it somehow crashes.

opal Goldie McDuckWhere stories live. Discover now