agent 22

427 12 0

Ten year old opal was excited her father had to go on a super secret mission with Uncle ludwig and now he was coming home she can't what to hear all about his adventure.

Opal was hiding in the rafters of the entryway  wanting for her father to come home. When the frunt door open she so her father enter with a older duck. " Father!" Opal yelled as she jumped down right in front of them she stuck the landing and amedeitly hugged her father. " Father I'm so happy your back, was your mission successful." Scrooge laphed as he held his daughter tightly. " Well my little gem I am not allowed to go into to much detail but I want you to meet someone." Father pulled away from the hug and gesterd to the older women she gave Opal a kind smile. " Well hello there little one you my call me beakley."

Duckworth set up tea and cookeis for them as father tell her what she can about his Adventure with agent 22 and Opal tells her father what she's been up to school, climbing, sword trainer. " Well you quite a talented young girl." beakley gave a kind smile to the young girl." Of course she is she is a McDuck." Scrooge said proudly. " Yes she is but that will also put her in danger made if you let me I can train her to defend herself." Opal's eyes widened at the thought of being transferred by a really secret agent. She looked at her father with pleading blue/green eyes. " Please father let me do this I can protect myself from the Bagel Boys, Magica de spell, and  flintheart glomgold please." Scrooge gave it a thought for a few minutes before answering. " Ok you can learn from beakley." Opal hugged her father." Thank you thank you thank you!" Beakley feels like she will be with the McDuck family for a long time.

opal Goldie McDuckWhere stories live. Discover now