Secret tunnels 

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Opal led the way since she was the one with the map and a flashlight and had been down here before Della and Donald right behind her. Opal suddenly stopped, causing the twins to run into Opal's back." Hey! Why did you stop." Opal turns to face her cousins with a smile and steps aside, showing a crystal-clear underground lake. The water was so clear that you could see your reflection." I call this crystal lake. I know it's not a very creative name. I was five when I found it, but from what I could discover is that this lake is actually from an underground spring." Della and Donald walked to the edge of the lake bank. As they looked into the crystal clear water, they couldn't see the bottom.

Opal pulled out her notebook." On my first attempt to see how deep the lake was, I swam down as far as I could hold my breath, but that didn't work well. I almost drowned." Opal pulled out a glow stick, tied a rock to it, and threw it into the lake. The twins watched as the little one sank deeper into the water, and eventually, they lost sight of it. The twins looked at Opal with shook in their eyes." Yay, as you can see, it was a stupid idea for me to try and swim to the bottom without the proper equipment, so for my next test to see how deep the lake was, I got the most extended measuring tape I could find. I was able to get what was 60 feet. I put a weight on one end and lowered it into the water, and I finally figured out how deep it was, which is 60 feet." Opal flipped a paper and showed them a drawing of an eyeless fish." After I figured out the depth, I started studying the marine life in the lack, and I found this cutie."

Donald was in awe while Della was Gagging." Fish are awful. Why doesn't it have an eye!" Della yelled, but Opal smiled at her gleefully." Because it is very little light, they evolved not to have eyes, so their other senses are enhanced." Donald gets even more fascinated with every word that comes out of her mouth while Della becomes even more horrified." That thing is not cute. It is horrifying!" Opal rolled her eyes and put her Journal away." Well, let's go to the following location."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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