bad news

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Scrooge was doing work at home today since Donald and della where staying at his place while there parents where on vacation they should be coming back today. the kids where playing war games opal was winning thanks to her training with beakly when she was winning. Scrooge's phone ringing cut through the children cry's of joy.

" Your are speaking to Scrooge McDuck if you want to sell me something never call me again." " No I'm not trying to sell you something I was informed that you are looking after Donald and della duck." The tone of the woman's voice made Scrooge uneasy. " Yes I am why do you want to know." Scrooge could practically hear the woman flinched on the other end he had a lot of enemies he had to be careful he lost count how many times his enemies tryed to us opal to get to him. " Well I am the lawer for Quackmore and Hortense duck I regretted to inform you that there plain crashed and they did not survive."

A cold shook went through his body his beloved sister Hortense and Quackmore where gone just like that Scrooge didn't want to believe it but he did hear on the radio that a plane don't crash but he was to busy to pay attention to the details. As the reason took in the thought of how to tell the kids Donald and della lost there parents and opal adored her aunt and uncle. " Sir are you still there?" Scrooge took a deep breath. " Yes I am." " Good now to talk about the children Elvira duck can't take them because she is to old and Ludwig and matilda von dark already have three kids and can't afford to take the twins, and since you have already looking after them this is the best option." Scrooge thought about what she said for a while and found her reasoning logical opal already so them as her siblings. " Yes I will take the twins."

As Scrooge hung up the phone he was working himself up in a panic of the loss of his sister and brother-in-law and how to tell Donald and della the news. Scrooge was brought out of his thoughts with a hand on his shoulder he looked up and it was goldie she was given him a worried look. " Scrooge are you still ok." And Scrooge told her everything that he new.  goldie huged her lover Hortense mite not haved liked her goldie still respected her and after spending time with the twins she started to love them as her own. " It will be ok scroogey we can get through this I promise."

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