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As Hortense and Matilda aproched there brothers mansion.   " why does he want to see us now after years of the the silent treatment." Hortense grumbled whal fixing her blond hair. Matilda just shook her head her curly Brown hair going in her face. " I don't know but he is still our brothers so let's hear him out."

When they got up to the door Matilda was the one who knocked on the door because Hortense was still being grouchy and a Butler open the door. "
Good evening Mr McDuck is upstairs will you please fallow me."

The butler turned around and started walking into the house and Hortense and Matilda was right behind him. The sisters looked around and so all the trinkets that Scrooge collected on his travels.

As they got to the second floor they hear anything voice. " Dream to sell, find dreams to sell, Angus is here to sell. Hush now wee bairnie and sleep without fear, for Angus will bring you a dream, my dear." Hortense and Matilda new this song there mother would sing to them when they were children they where wondering why Scrooge would be singing it now.

When the Butler brot them to a room where the song was coming from and opened the door for them and what they so was something they thought would never happen in a million years. There stood Scrooge cradling a baby in his arms and the whey he looked at her was the look only a father gives to his child.

As he put the sleeping child in it's crib Scrooge looked up and so his sister in the door with disbelieving look on there faces he puts a finger up to his Bek making a shushing moshing and led his sister's out of the room.

Scrooge softly closed the door and  turned around to face his sister's with Crost armes. " Now I Know you two have many questions but I just got Opal to take her nap so I suggest we do this downstairs so we don't wake her up."  Scrooge sead in a firm voice and walked ahead of his sister they just looked at each other and decided they will get there answers by hearing Scrooge out so they rushed to catch up with him.

opal Goldie McDuckTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang